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Module 1 Educational Psychology Using Science to Inform Classroom Practices Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Module Learning Goals 1 Explain how educational psychology is an important resource for teachers 2 Explain three elements of research that help determine which studies are worthy of consideration Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Module Learning Goals 3 Define philosophy of teaching and explain why it is important for teachers to base their philosophy on scientific evidence 4 Define four diversity characteristics that can define an individual s group membership and explain why teachers need to understand differences between groups Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Educational Psychology Educational psychology links the science of psychology to educational practice and provides teachers with evidence based knowledge to support their day to day decision making in the classroom Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Educational Psychology Science Science of educational psychology involves formulating theories and conducting research on those theories Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Guidelines for Reputable Research Don t use newspaper and magazine articles as they are not research Don t do Internet searches using search engines because they may not yield credible sources Do find peer reviewed articles in scholarly journals at a local university Do find peer reviewed articles in databases such as ERIC and articles library PSYINFO Do visit websites of professional associations to see if there are links to education research American Educational Research Association AERA American Psychological Association APA Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Elements of Research Studies Design purpose of the study Sample who is being studied Measures how the constructs of interest were measured Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Research Designs Descriptive designs Provide basic information about variables in a population without making connections among behaviors events or conditions Case study Ethnographic study Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Research Designs Correlational design Moves beyond description by answering questions about connections between variables CANNOT determine cause and effect CAN identify relationships between variables Correlation coefficient Number between 1 0 and 1 0 that indicates type and strength of relationship between variables or indicates type of relationship Closer to 1 0 or 1 0 indicates stronger relationship Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Research Designs Experimental designs Used to establish cause and effect relationships between variables by random assignment and manipulating a variable Independent variable The variable presumed to have an effect on the dependent variable Dependent variable The outcome of the study Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Research Designs Quasi experimental designs Used to infer a cause effect relationship without random assignment of individuals or groups Cross sectional Examine two or more groups to compare behaviors Longitudinal Examine the same sample repeatedly to obtain information about changes over time Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Summary of Research Designs Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Research Samples Sample A smaller set of individuals from a population of interest Random sample Every person in the population of interest has an equal chance of being included Volunteer bias Tendency for those who choose to participate in research studies to differ in some way from others who decline to participate Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Research Measures Measure Method for taking measurements Types Observation Interviews Structured Open ended Tests and surveys Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Diversity in the Classroom Minority group A group with less power but not necessarily smaller in number Ethnic group People who share a similar culture environment Racial group People who share common biological traits Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Diversity in the Classroom Sex Biological status of male or female Gender Behaviors learned in the environment about being either male or female Socioeconomic status SES Educational level and occupation of family members Disability Being unable to perform some behavior task or skill Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers SES and Environment Higher SES students tend to have higher scores and grades and stay in school longer Poorer nutrition and more exposure to pollution in lower SES families families Less exposure to school related materials in lower SES Less parental involvement in lower SES families Fewer well qualified teachers and higher turnover rates in lower SES schools Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Embracing Diversity Prejudice feelings Rigid and irrational generalizations about a group or category of people Confirmation bias The tendency for people to seek evidence that confirms what they already believe to be true Belief perseverance The tendency to hold onto our beliefs even in the face of contradictory evidence Discrimination Treating students differently based on prejudice feelings or biased beliefs Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Similarities Differences Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Module 2 Contexts of Development Bohlin Durwin Reese Weber Ed Psych Modules 2e Copyright 2012 McGraw Hill Publishers Module Learning Goals 1 Describe Bronfenbrenner s bioecological theory 2 Describe how parenting practices and family transitions interact with the school system 3 Describe how aspects of the peer context interact with the school

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LSU PSYC 2060 - Educational Psychology

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