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France 1814 1870 Rena Levin History 102 Notes 7 23 OUTLINE I II III IV V Bourbon Restoration 1814 1824 A Louis XVIII Revolution of 1830 A Charles X 1824 1830 Louis Phillipe 1830 1848 Provisional Government Louis Napoleon 1848 1851 A Napoleon III and the Second Empire 1851 1870 Bourbon Monarchy Revolution of 1830 o Louis XVIII restored to throne after Waterloo o Faces resistance from people with newfound rights post Revolution o Rules as constitutional monarch o Charles X wants to be absolute monarch to undermine achievements of Revolution o Reactionary o Appeals to Ultra Royalists ex current nobles also upset over loss of privileges Charles compensates those whose land was confiscated by revolutionaries o Reinstates Roman Catholicism as official religion of France reunites church state Non Roman Catholics second class citizens o Meant to rule together with Chamber of Deputies 1830 Charles calls for new elections hoping for more accommodating members who turn out to be even more opposed to his ideas than original o Issues July Ordinances Suffrage only for upper class Abolition of freedom of press o Prohibits COD from convening Parisian riots for 3 days o Abdicates in 1830 and exiled Citizen July Monarchy o Louis Phillipe Orle anist Promoted as constitutional monarch o Amount of eligible voters increases but voting remains restricted o Supports bourgeoisie people with property over people with titles o Utopian Socialism Expansion of principles of French Revolution to create more rational society Blanc empowerment of French workers create national workshops guilds where workers control what to produce how much to sell it for etc enfranchise all males to vote o Republican societies 1848 Dissent against Charles leading to riots o Illegalizes political meetings without permits Bans Republican Banquet o Forced to abdicate Provisional Government o Composed of Liberals Republicans and Socialists o New constitution Universal male suffrage o Tensions between the middle class republicans with property VS socialists who want property redistribution o Unemployment problem Gov creates national workshops advocated for by socialists NW meant to relieve unemployment but ultimately fails bc poorly managed and lacking funds from gov disbanded June Days Parisian workers protest and barricade streets 3 000 killed Louis Napoleon 1848 NB s nephew o Holds plebiscite to Ban workers associations Gain power to legislate Create new constitution 1851 o Declares himself Emperor renamed Napoleon III Napoleon III 1852 The Second Empire o Effects of French Revolution in France Power of new middle class bc helped create provisional gov June Days seen as indicative of Marxist class struggle Marx Communist Manifesto History progresses in a clear lateral way Groups within civilization will always fight over finite amount of resources Feudalism serfs forced to produce goods for nobles Proletariat factory workers can t afford goods that they produce for others wealthy nobles Develop class consciousness over time will realize they re being exploited and can produce these goods for themselves and will revolt when they overthrow the bourgeoisie they ll begin to take control form workers council soviets learn how to share with one another without gov state intervention COMMUNISM False Consciousness tricks the bourgeoisie played on the poor Get poor to be concerned about other stupid trivial things fairy tales religion to keep their mind off real important things like health welfare safety income working conditions job security bread and circuses Marx s mistakes all workers are politically oriented and want a new system Reality they are not They just care about higher pay and better treatment conditions o Centralized state and power o Controls Foreign affairs Army Finances Frenchmen the time o Economic Change o Reign includes rural areas in the modern state get them to self identify as o Creates new relationship with French people tries to please more people more of Promotes industry to foster national glory and prosperity mass production keeps people employed and spending 1860 Free Trade Agreement with England less hostility more friendship Credit Mobilier French banks lends for venture capital Finances rebuilding of Paris Hires architect Haussmann to improve Paris physical appearance and safety Legalizes unions and strikes out of fear that they would lean toward Marxism Sewage lines Employment created gets people involved in construction projects Reconstruction disadvantages the poor bc can t afford new buildings with new amenities which were once their own cheap and unsafe building complexes Unification of Italy 1859 1870 Rena Levin History 102 Notes 7 24 OUTLINE VI The Risorgimento a The Carbonari b Mazzini The Young Italy Movement c Cavour Piedmont Sardinia d Wars of Unification Italy is a patchwork of small independent states Independent entities o Theocracy ruled by religion Papal states run by pope in Romania responsible for Italy not being united previously bc Pope feared loss of power Kingdom of 2 Sicilies Ruled by branch of Bourbons Naples Sicily Northwest Italy Piedmont Sardinia Ruled by King Includes Mediterranean area of Sardinia Foreign entities o Austria compensated with Italian wealthy land by Congress of Vienna Venice Milan Lombardy Florence Tuscany center of Renaissance Italians see France as unified galvanized by nationalism o Carbonaries patriots meet to discuss how to get rid of Austrians Led by Mazzini founds The Young Italy Movement wants to spread democracy throughout Italy and world dedicated to Italian unification Anti Austrian favors Constitutional reform Attempt to invade Sardinia fails Mazzini exiled to England o Italians want unified Italy under Moderate Nationalists constitutional monarchy MN Political and economic reforms without democracy Favor rights of upper class Look to Piedmont Sardinia s King Charles Albert and Victor Emanuel II to implement agenda o Minister Count of Cavour unifies Italy Cavour s agenda Pursue practical reforms all guided by state not from bottom up Promote economic expansion and modern transportation infrastructure More goods more easily taxes customs power Currency reform strengthen Makes alliance with France who also hates Austria if France helps oust Austria Italy will give Nice and Savoy to France Napoleon III wants to prove himself a war leader like his grandfather Wars of Unification o Piedmont Sardinia vs Austria Battle of Magenta Battle of Sulforino Both

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QC HIST 102 - France (1814 – 1870)

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