5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Psychology and Physical Health Ch 5 Saturday February 08 2014 6 37 PM 1 How psychological factors relate to the promotion and maintenance of health 2 How psychological factors relate to the causation prevention and treatment of illness Stress and your Body Watch Video Insert notes Health Psychology The study of The Bio psychosocial model Illness is caused by a complex interaction of Biological factors Psychological Factors Sociocultural factors Stress Personality and Illness Type A Personality 3 major components of Type A personality Competitive Orientation Anger and Hostility Act with impatience and a sense of time urgency Associated with coronary risk risk for heart problems Individuals with above average levels of hostility are twice as likely to have coronary issues than those who are below average Stress and associated emotions tax the heart Even brief periods of stress can trigger acute cardiac symptoms Ex increased heart rate heart palpitations Depression and Heart Disease Chronic depression doubles the chance of developing heart disease Worse outcomes in cardiology patients Depression and anxiety respond the same way Stress and Cancer No direct evidence that stress causes onset But stress and personality can affect its course Type C more cancer prone Typically more passive personality traits Stress and Immune function Stress can impair immune functioning in animals and humans Duration is important Long term vs short term stressors Watch Video Here insert notes Coping With Stressors The way we cope with stress can also impact health https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 1 5 5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Occurs in several ways Substance use Obesity and Health Behaviors How we respond to specific health symptoms Treatment seeking Medication Adherence Habits Lifestyles and Health Personality can impact engagement in negative health behaviors Examples Openness associated with greater substance use Open to experiences Neuroticism impacts coping with illness Higher degree of negative emotion anger sadness anxiety Conscientiousness related to engagement in healthy vs health risk behaviors Adhere better to medication etc Extroversion increased social relationships support Smoking Smoking has many negative Health consequences Premature death 13 14 yrs Shorter life Cancer lung cancer bladder cancer Hypertension cardiac diseases Stomach peptic ulcers The Bright side After quitting health risks decline quickly Why do people smoke Because the expectancy important that smoking will reduce negative emotions stress Cigarettes are negatively reinforcing The truth Increased stress is a short term symptom of withdrawal Smoking only reduces anxiety stress back to previous levels before smoking Why do people drink Endorsed in many cultures as a social ritual Dulls negative emotions makes people relaxed Expectancies Cognitive affective and behavioral outcomes an individual expects due to drinking Vary by individual and situation Positive expectancies promote drinking What are some positive drinking expectancies Enhanced socialization Sexual Enhancement Relaxation Assertion Drinking Expectancies Adults who expect positive outcomes Drink more frequently Consume more alcohol Show more signs of problem drinking Teens with positive expectancies drink earlier and consume more at younger age How to change expectancies Alcohol Expectancy Challenges https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 2 5 5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Utilize bar labs These treatments typically use bar labs in which a Drink an alcoholic beverage or placebo b Interact with each other c Guess who consumed alcohol Participants will learn that they cant correctly guess who really drank based on behavior Long Term Outcomes of AEC s Short Term They Work Only 30 of the time were expectancies significantly different across groups Only 36 of the time were there significant differences in alcohol consumption Short Term Risks Span from hangovers to life threatening overdoses Poor judgment Reduced intellectual functioning Poor motor coordination Increased Anger Alcohol Myopia Steele Drunken excess self inflation relief Leads to conflict narrowed attention to specific cues Long Term Risks Alcohol related behaviors Related to alcohol abuses Impaired functioning drunk driving Alcohol Dependence Chronic progressive disorder Growing compulsion to drink and impaired control over drinking Interferes with health and social behaviors Negatives side effects when trying to quit Chronic alcohol over consumption affects Brain including dementia Korsakoff syndrome Immune system Vital organ systems including gastrointestinal cardiovascular reproductive systems Obesity Obesity is a serious risk factor for a number of health problems and diseases Obesity Stress Connection Genetics hereditary factors play a major role Environmental factors also contribute Socioeconomic factors and obesity Married people are more likely to be overweight Higher education is associated with lower rates Unemployment leads to weight gain Reactions to Health Related Symptoms Biggest obstacle to treatment seeking is procrastination Why Downplay significance of symptoms Don t want to look foolish Worry about bothering the doctor Reluctant to disrupt plans Waste time on trivial matters before going to the emergency room Avoidance https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 3 5 5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Reactions to illness Adherence Often patients fail to adhere to physician advice 30 to 50 Factors associated with adherence Level of social support Ability to remember comprehend instructions Averse of difficult treatments Health Related Psychological Disorders Psychological factors affecting other medical conditions Basically a diagnosis for medical non compliance A medical condition and psychological or behavioral factors that adverely affect the medication condition Factors influenced the course of the illness Ex close temporar association between factors and illness Factors interfere with treatment Poor medication adherence Factors constitute additional well established health risks Factors influence underlying pathophysiology or precipitating or exacerbate symptoms Reactions to illness The
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