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5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Eating Disorders Thursday April 24 2014 10 49 AM Eating Disorders DSM 4 Criteria Anorexia Nervosa Refusal to maintain minimal body weight for age heigh Not meeting 85 Intense fear of gaining weight being fat Despite being objectively underweight Over importance of weight shpae on self evaluation or possible denial of the seriousness of low body weight Belief worry Amenorrhea absense of at least 3 menstrual periods Two types Restricting and binge eating purging Bulimia Nervosa Binge eating eating substantially larger amount of food than most people would eat in a discrete time period AND feeling out of control cannot stop Especially feeling out of control can t stop Use of inappropriate compensatory behavior Laxatives vomiting exercising excessively Occur at least 2 times a weeks for at least 3 months on average Done in direct compensation for eating Self worth evaluation is overly influence by weight shape Not during AN Anorexia supersedes bulimia 2 types purging and non purging Purging vomiting non purging exercise EDNOS Eating disorder not otherwise specified Most common diagnosis Adolescent clinical sample 59 EDNOS 29 AN 21 BN Important to note no difference in sub threshhold distress depression symptoms or self esteem DSM 5 Criteria Feeding and Eating Disorders AN restriction not refusal word change No longer an 85 cutoff for body weight More qualifiers included in determining what is below expected weight Includes gender age body type Removed emphasis on intense fear Denial changed to persistent lack of recognition Amenorrhea criteria removed Birth control males Severity markers added Mild moderate severe extreme Semantic difference https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 1 3 5 2 2014 BN PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Number of binge and purge events reduced to once a week for 3 months Severity markers added Mild moderate severe extreme Binge Eating Disorder 3 out of 5 symptoms needed for diagnosis Recurrent binge eating Faster than normal eating Uncomfortably full Not physically hungry Eating alone Negative feelings after over earting 2 days a week for 3 months on average No compensatory behaviors Presensce of marked distress associated with binge eating Severity markers 3 mild 14 extreme Atypical Anorexia All criteria of AN are met EXCEPT that despite significant weight loss the individual s weight is within or above the normal range Weight suppression Negative mood Insurance determines if they will pay based on weight Doctors may reinforce behaviors Doesn t ask why how weight is lost Mixed messages AN Medical Complications Comorbid Psychopathology Substance abuse Depressive disorders 65 lifetime prevalence Anxiety disorders and OCD BN Personality Disorders avoidant OCPD histrionic borderline Poor social functioning Suicide ideation Comorbid medical conditions Bracycardia and cardiac dysfunction Disturbed growth and development Not developing hormones not present Gastrointestinal complications Peripheral edema Osteoporosis Loss of fertility Brain atrophy White matter loss Mortality 50 heart failure 50 suicide Anorexia 63 have depresssion 35 have OCD https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 2 3 5 2 2014 PSYC 2101 Notes Microsoft OneNote Web App Binge Eating Associated with histrionic and borderline https onedrive live com edit aspx resid 7AF35F2B369F2BE4 1552 cid 7af35f2b369f2be4 app OneNote wdo 2 3 3

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UGA PSYC 2101 - Eating Disorders

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