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2nd Latin test Verb tenses Present tense P S mus o tis s nt t Irregular verbs Future tense Imperfect tense S bo bis bit P bimus bitis bunt S bam bas bat P bamus batis bant sum to be Present Indicative P S sumus sum estis es sunt est Future Indicative S ero eris erit Imperfect Indicative S eram eras erat P erimus eritis erunt Future possum posse potui to be able can could Present S possum potes potest P possumus potestis possunt S potero poteris poterit Imperfect P poterimus poteritis poterunt S poteram poteras poterat P eramus eratis erant P poteramus poteratis poterant Femin s us is i em e Femin es um ibus es ibus Neut s us is i s us e Neut a um ibus a ibus Future Indicative S am es et Imperfect Indicative S ebam ebas ebat P emus etis ent P ebamus ebatis ebant Masc x o is i em e Masc es um ibus es ibus 3 rd diclension nouns Singular Nom Gen Dat Acc Abl Plural Nom Gen Dat Acc Abl 3rd conjugation verbs Present Indicative P S imus o itus is unt it Present Imperative Active S age lead P agite lead 2nd Latin test vocabulary Nouns adulescentia adulescentiae f youth young manhood youthfulness animus animi m soul spirit mind animi animorum high spirits pride courage caelum caeli n sky heaven culpa culpae f fault blame gloria gloriae f glory fame verbum verbi n word deus di dis m god dea deae f goddess discipulus discipuli m learner pupil student discipula discipulae f learner pupil student insidiae insidiarum f pl ambush plot treachery liber libri m book tyrannus tyranni m absolute ruler tyrant vitium vitii n fault crime vice Graecus Graeci m a Greek Cicero Ciceronis m Cicero copia copiae f abundance supply copiae copiarum pl supplies troops forces frater fratris m brother laus laudis f praise glory fame libertas libertatis f liberty ratio rationis f reckoning account reason judgement consideration system manner method scriptor scriptoris m writer author soror sororis f sister victoria victoriae f victory 3 rd diclension nouns amor amoris m love carmen carminis n song poem civitas civitatis f state citizenship city corpus corporis n body homo hominis m human being man labor laboris m labor work toil a work production littera litterae f a letter of the alphabet litterae litterarum f pl a letter epistle literature mos moris m habit custom manner mores morum m pl habits morals character nomen nominis n name pax pacis f peace regina reginae f queen rex regis m king tempus temporis n time occasion opportunity terra terrae f earth ground land country uxor uxoris f wife virgo virginis f maiden virgin virtus virtutis f manliness courage excellence character worth virtue Pronouns te you yourself Adjectives liber libera liberum free noster nostra nostrum our ours pulcher pulchra pulchrum beautiful handsome fine sanus sana sanum sound healthy sane Graecus Graeca Graecum Greek perpetuus perpetua perpetuum perpetual lasting uninterrupted continuous plenus plena plenum full abundant generous salvus salva salvum safe sound secundus secunda secundum second favorable vester vestra vestrum pl your novus nova novum new strange Conjunctions igitur postpositive therefore consequently que and suffixed ubi where when dum while as long as at the same time that until Odds ne interrog suffix attached to first word of a sentence propter prep acc on account of because of post after behind sub under close to down to into to at the foot of ad to up to near to ex or e out of from from within by reason of on account of Adverbs cras tomorrow heri yesterday quando when satis enough sufficient tum then at that time thereupon in the next place ibi there nunc now at present quare because of which thing therefore wherefore why numquam never tamen nevertheless still Idioms si quando if ever gratias agree to thank to give thanks to Verbs ceno cenare cenavi cenatum to dine culpo culpare culpavi culpatum to blame censure maneo manere mansi mansum to remain stay stay behind abide continue remaneo remanere remansi remansum to remain stay stay behind abide continue supero superare superavi superatum to be above have the upper hand surpass overcome conquer possum posse potui to be able can could have power tolero tolerare toleravi toleratum to bear endure audio audere ausus sum to dare neco necare necavi necatum to murder kill ago agere egi actum to drive lead do act pass spend demonstro demonstrare demonstravi demonstratum to point out show demonstrate disco discere didici to learn doceo docere docui doctum to teach duco ducere duxi ductum to lead consider prolong regard gero gerere gessi gestum to carry carry on manage conduct wage accomplish perform scribo scribere scripsi scriptum to write compose traho trahere traxi tractum to draw drag derive acquire vinco vincere vici victum to conquer overcome

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LSU LATN 1001 - Study Guide

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