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Latin test 4 Nouns Animal animalis n a living creature animal Aqua aquae f water Ars artis f art skill Auris auris f ear Civis civis m and f citizen Ius iuris n right justice law Mare maris n sea Mors mortis f death Nubes nubis f cloud Os oris n mouth face Pars partis f part share direction Roma Romae f Rome Turba turbae f uproar disturbance mob crowd multitude Urb urbis f city Vis vis f force power violence Vires virium pl strength Aetas aetatis f period of life life age an age time Auditor auditoris m hearer listener member of an audience Clementia clementiae f mildness gentleness mercy Mens mentis f mind thought intention Satura saturae f satire Libellus libelli m little book Italia Italiae f Italy Memoria memoriae f memory recollection Tempestas tempestatis f period of time season weather storm Adjectives Acer acris acre sharp keen eager severe fierce Brevis breve short small brief Celer celeries celere swift quick rapid Difficilis difficile hard difficult troublesome Dulcis dulce sweet pleasant agreeable Facilis facile easy agreeable Fortis forte strong brave Ingens ingentis huge Iucundus iucunda iucundum pleasant delightful agreeable pleasing Longus longs longum long Omnis omne every all Potens potentis able powerful mighty strong Senex senis old aged old man Qui quae quod relative pronoun who which what that Caecus caeca caecum blind Levis leve light easy slight trivial Centum one hundred Mille thousand Milia milium thousands Miser misera miserum wretched miserable unfortunate Adverbs Quam how Aut or Aut Aut either or Cito quickly Quoque also too Itaque therefore Odds a before consonants like Eng a vs an Preposition Ab prep abl away from from by Trans prep acc across Inter prep acc between among Verbs Appello appellare appellavi appellatum to speak to address as call name Curro currere cucurri cursum to run rush move quickly Muto mutare mutavi mutatum to change alter exchange Teneo tenere tenui tentum to hold keep possess restrain Vito vitare vitavi vitatum to avoid shun Rego regere rexi rectum to rule guide Admitto admittere admisi admissum to admit receive let in Coepi coepisse coeptum began Cupio cupere cupivi cupitum to desire wish long for Deleo delere delevi deletum to destroy wipe out erase Desidero desiderare desideravi desideratum to desire long for miss Incipio incipere incepi inceptum to begin Navigo navigare navigavi navigatum to sail navigate Neglego neglegere neglexi neglectum to neglect disregard Recito recitare recitavi recitatum to read aloud recite Committo commitere commisi commissum to entrust commit Exspecto expectare expectavi exspectatum to look for expect await Iacio iacere ieci iactum to throw hurl Timeo timere timui to fear to be afraid

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LSU LATN 1001 - Test 4

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