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Study Guide for COMM 245 Radio Economic structure of Radio 1922 WEAF sold 10 minutes of airtime to a real estate agent established private rather than government ownership of broadcasting system BBC set up a public monopoly fees from listeners but no ads Radio reaction to TV competition in 1947 Radio became a local medium providing local services Radio had to develop their own content led to development of different formats genres A M Radio had to adjust to F M s success changed to formats such as All news Talk radio Radio drama Still some music Morning drive time when radio has the highest number of listeners 6am 10am Radio Format 1 What other local radio stations are airing 2 The composition of their potential audiences 3 Potential for attracting certain demographic groups of listeners to advertisers having a viable economic base 4 Ex Rap Classic Rock Urban contemporary Music Thomas Edison invented the Dictaphone 1877 Emil Berliner invented sheliac later vinyl discs 1888 ASCAP American Society of Composers Authors Publishers 1914 Asked for royalties for radio performances collects anywhere BMI Broadcast Music Inc 1937 Purpose was to secure royalty payments for songwriters and musicians Scott Joplin first to write down music ragtime Louis Armstrong performed Dixieland form of jazz Duke Ellington Muddy Waters Battle of the Speeds in 1945 CBS 33 1 3 revolutions per minute long playing records invented by Dr Peter Goldmark RCA NBC 45 revolutions per minute pop singles Elvis Presley 1956 Hound Dog Cover remake of a previously recorded song Symbiotic relationship mutually beneficial PMRC Parents Music Resource Center White person s cover of a black musician s song kept black version out of the market denied original singer s their royalties 4 Corporations that collect almost 90 of recording industry revenues each year Universal Music 37 Warner Brothers 20 Sony 27 EMI 10 Recording industry trend is toward consolidation into fewer larger companies Effect of MTV on music industry in 1982 Provided a new outlet for musicians MTV videos played an important role in promoting new work or hip hop groups A R Artist and Repertoire Departments function as talent scouts responsible for product development find musicians and oversee recording Payola record companies pay disc jockeys music directors cash in exchange for airplay ILLEGAL Payola 2007 Scandal FCC fined 4 corporations Clear Channel 3 5 million CBS Radio 3 million Citadel Broadcasting 2 million and Entercom Comm 4 million All signed consent decree not admitting guilt Gold Record 5 000 albums or 1 million hit singles sold Platinum Record 1 million albums or 2 million hit singles sold Billboard is a major trade magazine Soundscan Computer system that records the number of CDs bought in record stores RIAA Recording Industry Association of America Filed lawsuits against 21 000 people who were sharing large music files over the Internet 2009 announced that it would not file new lawsuits Digital Millennium Copyright Act designed to protect music copyrights 1998 Television Broadcast Cable Affiliate A local TV station that signs a contract with a network to air that network s programs on an exclusive basis Network Compensation network pays affiliates to cart network shows 1934 Communications Act Requires broadcaster to serve in the public interest convenience and necessity How FCC acts as a traffic cop 1 Allocates frequencies over which radio TV stations may broadcast 2 Determines how many kilowatts a station may use to broadcast 3 Determines which AM radio stations are daytimers broadcasting only from sunrise to sunset How pilots are pre tested Viewers go in a preview theatre Real Time Response RTR dials Units of laughter called Magoo Market A contiguous area that can be reached by a broadcast station s signals Demographics statistical data relating to the population Psychographics study classification of people according to their attitudes etc AFTRA the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists national labor union representing nearly 80 000 performers journalists and other artists DGA Directors Guild of America a national union of film television and commercial directors Two major ratings companies Arbitron does ratings for radio A C Nielsen does ratings for TV 98 of U S population has at least one TV set Uses of A C Nielsen Company Diaries in medium and small markets People meters record the channel the TV is tuned to and view demographics if viewers click the remote Total of 10 000 households wired in US Set top meters record the channel the TV is tuned to Rating percentage of homes tuned to a particular channel used by advertisers to see how many viewers they have bought Share percentage of homes tuned to a particular channel compared only with TV sets turned on used by TV programmers to see competition HUT Homes Using TV percentage of homes that have TV turned on at any given time Problems with Ratings 1 TV set is left on but no one is watching 2 Ratings do not tell how much attention viewers pay to TV 3 Nothing is known about those who refuse to become Nielsen families 4 33 50 of Nielsen families suffer button fatigue get tired of punching their demographics 5 10 of all people meters produce faulty data on any given day NAB National Association of Broadcasters trade association that fought for and won de regulation of radio and TV Portable People Meter joint venture between Nielsen and Arbitron detects an inaudible code embedded in audio of TV radio and streamed programs on the Internet PBS Public Broadcasting Service NPR National Public Radio Sweeps In addition from using results from peoplemeters in top 55 markets Nielsen uses data from diaries during sweeps which occur in Nov Feb May and July Stripping if a TV show lasts 5 years and there are 100 episodes the producer sells the show in syndication and local TV stations strip the show air it 5 times a week at same time Off network Syndication if there are 100 episodes of a series after they have aired twice on the network the producer sells them in syndication Superstation an independent TV station that uplinks its signal to a communication satellite so that cable viewers anywhere in United States can watch Vertical Integration controlling production distribution and exhibition in a mass media business LEGAL O O s Network owned and operated stations MSO Multiple System Operators companies like Comcast and Time Warner cable that own many cable systems FCC and big companies

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