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Chapter 10 Muscles 600 different muscles Myology study of muscles Functions 1 Movement allows us to move bones move around and child bearing 2 Stability maintain posture prevent unwanted movement 3 Control of body openings passages speech food intake blood etc 4 Heat production 85 body heat shivers 5 Glycemic control regulate of blood glucose concentration in normal range Tendon fibrous band or sheet Indirect attachment muscle attaches to bone via a gap through a tendon Direct attachment Muscle fiber are very close to bone bond by collagen fibers Origin site of attachment that is stationary Insertion attachment site that is more mobile 4 types of movement 1 Prime mover produces most force during a particular joint action 2 Synergist 2 muscle come together to produce an action not same 3 Antagonist opposite of prime mover 4 Fixator muscle that fixes a bone in a particular position no movement Chapter 10 Muscles of Arm

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MCC BIO 201 - Chapter 10 Muscles

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