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Chapter 24 Fluid Electrolyte and PH Balance 65 intracellular fluid 35 extracellular fluid 25 tissue 8 blood plasma lymph 2 trans cellular fluid Fluid Balance Input H2O food drink metabolic H20 700ml food 1600 ml drinking Output urine expired water sweat feces cutaneous transpiration 30ml expire air 200 ml feces 1500 ml urine 100 ml sweat 400 ml cutaneous transpiration Thirst Mechanisms 1 2 inhibits secretion of saliva saliva produced by capillary filtration if dehydrated lower blood volume higher osmolarity less saliva anyway Fluid Deficiency 1 hypovolemia lose H2O Na 2 dehydration lose more H2O than Na Fluid Excess Volume excess H2O Na Hypotonic hydration H2O Fluid Substration collects in a particular area edema Electrolyte Balance Calcium 2nd messenger muscle contraction blood clotting exocytosis of neurotransmitters Homeostasis PTH calcitriol calcitonin Hypercalcemia results from akalosis hyperparathyroidism hypothyroidism greater than 5 8 mEq L Hypocalcemia results from vitamin D deficiency pregnancy lactation lower than 4 5 mEq L Action potentials co transport protein synthesis Intercalated cells reabsorb or secrete K as needed Hyperkalemia greater than 535 mEq L more excit cardiac arrest Hypokalemia lower than 3 5 mEq L less excit dietary deficiency Potassium Chloride helps regulate pH Homeostasis follows Na Hyperchloremia higher than 105 mEq L dietary excess or administration of intravenous saline Hypochloremia lower than 95 mEq L side effect of hypoatemia but can be caused from hyperkalemia Nucleic Acids Homeostasis reabsorbed in renal tubules PTH excretes PO4 to reabsorb Ca Phosphates Sodium membrane potentials in muscle movement Homeostasis Aldosterone

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MCC BIO 201 - Chapter 24 Fluid, Electrolyte, and PH Balance

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