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ADPR 3120 TEST 2 Media Strategy General Information primary decision making areas must be customized design based on the different marketing ingredients that make up the brand criteria o target audience and media mix o reach frequency and grps o scheduling and timing o media budget o geography o sales promotion intermedia vs intramedia o intermedia judgment about that communications impact effectiveness of each class of media relative to other contenders ex TV is more effective than radio o intramedia potential differences important to the effectiveness of individual media options ex allocated 20 000 for a schedule in business magazines you must select the most effective efficient individual publications Advantages Disadvantages Medium Television Wide geographic coverage Audience share is declining broad audience to reach due to fragmented audience perceived accountability with increase use of DVR is well accepted audience diminishing impact on relative ease of buying and commercials typically high post buy maintenance CPM cost and raising proven success record for productions many TV shows promoting mass consumer skew older lower income products increase AD clutter as commercials people don t want to watch them because it takes away from their show Radio Has targeted capabilities No visual component ADPR 3120 TEST 2 Banner Doesn t cost a lot of money to It takes lot of impressions to inexpensive compared to advertiser must buy multiple traditional build frequency stations and formats to quickly builds promotion accumulate audience reach offers advertisers appealing peak listening is during the community involvement no morning and evening drive seasonal listener erosion times with really low audience members during the day create a banner ad relatively get clicks on your ad banner cheap to advertise grains blindness because people brand recognition even if no rarely pay attention to banner one clicks on the ad they can ads it must significantly stand still see benefits out to get attention people are skeptical and they hesitate to click on the ad because they are unaware of where it will take them in a given geographic area your ad has to compete flexibility in deciding the ad against the clutter of other size and placement ad can be advertisers including the giant large to communicate as ads run by supermarkets and much of the story as you want department stores to tell exposure to your ad is competitors poor photo not limited readers can go reproduction limits creativity back to the message if they newspapers are a price want free help in creating oriented medium most ads and producing ad copy is are for sales expect your ad usually available quick to have a short shelf life Direct Mail Can reach specific target It can be expensive considered markets marketing strategy is offensive junk mail private personal contact Newspaper reach large number of people Ad space can be expensive ADPR 3120 TEST 2 Outdoor Huge and eye catching High cost for brief exposure turnaround helps your ad newspapers are usually read reflect the changing market once and then discarded you conditions the ad you decide may be sending your message to run today can be in your to people who are not Tam customers hands in two days highly visible medium so your competitors can react to price growing number of readers are using online publications targets large and diverse risk of vandalism weather markets easily registered damage visibility issue information increased stationary time insensitive no frequency of consumer feedback limited info short exposure effective medium term adv tool no advantage of of awareness advertising space targets middle and upper class strong visual effect guaranteed audience Quintiles technique that breaks a population into equal groups to highlight differences in product or media consumption ex Dividing an ordered population into 5 equal groups Used to determine what media affinities exist for various consumer products Quintile 1 makes up 20 of the population and is the heaviest Higher index numbers in Quintiles IV and V show a lighter usage Audience Number of homes eyeballs or ears exposed to the opportunity to see or hear and advertising medium or vehicle at a given time generate audience by the consumer s ability to see a medium and then to see the ads categories within it ADPR 3120 TEST 2 coverage audience that has an opportunity to view hear or read a media vehicle The potential audience is the actual audience 1 Broadcast geographic area capable of receiving a stations signal 2 Newspapers gross percentage of HH in a geographic area that gets the newspaper subscription or by single copy sales not readership 3 Magazines meaning audience concept because it refers to a magazines reach of a particular target group circulation potential audience o prerequisite to actual audience generation print and distribute o whether the copies are paid or free o print such as magazines and newspapers generate audiences from copies they circulation base rate guaranteed circulation on which a publication bases it rates Outdoor billboards circulation refers to the traffic passing by a location Vehicle audience refers to the number of persons who are in the average audience of a media vehicle some pages o ex 6 000 000 adults may look at Time Magazine but some may browse through o TV as measured by a Nielsen meter hooked up to the TV vehicle audience is the number or sets tuned in during the average minute o Newspapers the number of people who claim they read the newspaper o Magazines number of people who claim to have picked up and looked at a o Outdoor estimate exposure based on circulation and research projection eyes o Advertising audience number of persons total or by demographic group who were in the average vehicle audience and were exposed to the ad or Ex advertising audience is always lower than vehicle audience because TV viewers can leave the room or magazine readers can skip the ad C3 ratings for tv Neilson Media Research measures network TV audiences based on the numbers in the audience when a particular magazine on commercial ADPR 3120 TEST 2 commercial aired fail to account for those who are simply not viewing or paying attention from distractions in the area home Broadcast Audience Concepts Average rating rating is the percentage of a defined universe HH children Native Americans that is tuned into a program or station during a particular time Total audience rating cumulative

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