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Exam 13 Apr 14 th Monday Filtration of plasma figure 14 7 14 8 Glomerular filtration rate GFR volume time Taking components out of blood and o 180 L day but only 1 8 L excreted o Regulation via N and E Reabsorption F back to P historically original kidneys outside the body moving things from the filtrate back to the plasma o Glu and AA reabsorbed PCTs via AT depending on how much but normal levels can handle o Most water and ions reabs most of the time not always blood pressure depend on how much we have put back even have to put back more o Metabolic wastes e g urea most excreted osmolarity might want to keep in though toxic to keep the osmolarity Secretion P to F intentional e g H K Water and Sodium Daily intake typically balanced by daily loss Water mL 1000 1200 350 2550 In Food intake Liquid intake Metabolic Total Out Urine Sweat Feces Evaporation Total 1500 50 100 900 2550 Sodium mg 10 5 10 5 10 0 0 25 0 25 10 5 Renal system deals with variation in diet environment activity etc Reabsorption o Na all tubules except descending loop o Water follows Na via diffusion osmosis Requires permeability aquaporins PCT high CD regulated by ADH makes present Loop and DCT variable Con Urine hyperosmotic o Medulla critical o Counter current multiplier figure 14 10 Concentrated Urine CCM in loop key characteristics o Start flow down D limb Lumen osm IF osm no change in osm o Up A limp where NaCl pumped to IF Lumen osm decreases and IF osm increases o New flow down D limb Lumen osm is not th same as IF osm lumen osm increases figure 14 16 H2O yes Na no Osm things vol H2O no Na yes o Continual new flow process repeats figure 14 17 14 18 Osmotic gradient in medulla longer increased gradient Just the set up need the CD o NOTE DCTs fine tune o CD flows through gradient If aquaporins concentrated If no aquaporins dilute Regulated by ADH o More concentrated urine How Regulation of Na figure 14 9 Excretion altered by changing filter and or reabs 1 Filtering quick muscle Change GFR via afferent and efferent arterioles Decreased GFR contract dilate Increased GFR dilate contract 2 Reabsorption slower E via two systems Apr 16th Wednesday Aldosterone and renin angiotensin system figure 14 5 o Activated in response to 1 Symp on juxtaglomerular cells 2 Decrease in BP 3 Decrease in NaCl at macula densa macula densa specialized cells if the level drop the system change the Na higher blood volume blood pressure All get JGCs to secrete renin Angiotension II AT II o Activation ATogen liver to AT via renin to AT II via ECs o Impacts vasoconstrictor and aldosterone release Aldosterone Atrial natriuretic peptide hormone ANP o If increase Na increase BV increase fill of artria secretes ANP o ANP causes Increase GFR Na reabsorption excretion of Na Inhibits aldosterone secretion Regulation of Water Changing GFR like Na Increased reabs vasopressin ADH Regulation of K Hypo hyperkalemia Can secrete aldosterone increase transporters Regulation of H Also decrease pH with protein catabolism After lungs into CD Digestive system Functions Oropharyngeal cavity o Mastication o Saliva exocrine o Process via mobility and secretion for digestion o Absorption via epithelium Due to ANS Functions dissolve water amylase immune buffer o Swallowing reflex Due to food water in pharynx Epiglottis covers glottis Esophagus figure 15 15 Receives bolus Path o Upper esophageal sphincter UES o Peristalsis 1 3 skeletal 2 3 smooth o LES Wall of the GI tract figure 15 13 Smooth muscle 3 layers Enteric nervous system can work without CNS Components of villus o Nerve arteriole venue to liver o Lymphatic vessel o Epithelial cells Tight junctions Microvilli Constant replacement Stomach Secretions water via O o HCl pH 2 0 from Parietal cells somatostatin Functions 1 Denature proteins 2 Activate pepsinogen o Pepsinogen from Chief cells Release ENS Functions Release increase gastrin Ach histamine decrease Proteins to peptides Activate pepsinogen o Mucus motility and protection o Intrinsic factor from Parietal cells Function binds B12 for uptake in ileum st Monday Apr 21 Small intestine figure 15 10 Digestion o Triglycerides via lipase P but need help Bile from liver stored in gall bladder Emulsification The fat is nonpolar and forms globes need to be solubalized Bile salts and phospholipids work together to do this E g have to shake the dressing from the fridge to mix it by breaking down the big fat component into smaller parts But you cannot shake your digestive system After a big McDonalds shake yourself all the afternoon No The bile salts and phospholipids allow the lipase to go in and do the work Neutralize H coming out of the stomach by HCO3 Save our small intestine from getting ulcers Bicarbonate runs the equation 3 in the backwards direction and make CO2 and water Raise the pH up The blood from the digestive system goes to the liver and the liver checks whether we have too much one thing if too much poop out Cholesterol bilirubin metals the liver will clean these things by putting them in the bile We don t want too many metals because they activate things to be electric and you are already electric So bile is good things associated with digestion and protection but still has waste in it because this is the only way the liver can get rid of them the bile is a mix of things D in figure 15 12 Take the triglycerides to monophosphate glycerides which are then simple to diffuse in and no transporter needed follow the gradient But if we raise the conc too much they will come back out We need to contain them in there Put them in vesicles turn them back to triglycerides non polar diffuse in but too big to across the membrane and go back Problem to get the vesicles out of the cell and get them used by other cells Solution exocytose o Exocytose Only want them break down in the lumen not in the cell Problem have big vesicles but cannot get into the blood stream o Called chylomicrons Too big to go into your capillaries Solve enter the lymph but not your blood The lymphatic system connects up to the vascular system and dumps them into the blood Right near to the heart The fatty thing get dumped right into your heart Vitamins required small amount in diet and only a small amount too much is bad The vitamins the problem to lose hair and something doesn t work well die o Lipophilic non polar A D E K Big dangerous problem the ADs said hey you need more The extra nonpolar vitamin will be stored in the fat When you get sick you will lose weight breaking up the

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OSU EEOB 2520 - Exam 13

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