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Mar 17 th Monday Thyroid gland o Thyroid hormones TH metabolic effects Stimulate metabolism generate heat Enhance use of metabolic fuels Promote effects of sympathetic NS easier for you to be successful in your sympathetic life or death moment in flight and fight response increase the body metabolic rate so that the other endocrines can produce Neural development T3 and T4 to provide energy to survive Promote effects of growth hormone o Disorders most common endocrine patients in the states thyroid Most common ES disease Too much or too little o Hypothyroidism too little T3 and T4 worldwide thyroid problem still the most Commonly iodine deficiency T3 and T4 3 and 4 means the number of iodine present in the States add iodine in salt some developing countries do not do this autoimmune disease people eat sea salt the natural thing only cause themselves to have iodine deficiency No negative feedback from TH Make T1 T2 precursors of T3 and T4 which are not be able bind to receptors do not have right charge and shape No sufficient T3 and T4 made no ve feedback Elevated level of TSH secreted do it again and again Overstimulated follicular cells Enlarged gland goiter not just mammals A lamp born with a goiter would have bad neural development Symptoms cold intolerance weight increase not running metabolisms nutrients accumulated fatigue there are sufficient enough symptoms to be caught for the disease before having a goiter o Hyperthyroidism too much Commonly Grave s disease autoimmune disease Antibodies genetically disorder agonist activate TSH receptor T3 and T4 functions doing negative feedback TSH levels down T3 and T4 high Increase TH production But negative feedback ineffective Enlarged gland goiter Symptoms heat intolerance lose weight SNS activity very quick to go to fight and flight response Adrenal cortex sits atop kidney named for position not named for function o Production sheet on Carmen Content CRH ACTH corticosteroids o Actions mediates stress historical stress lack of food make sure you don t starve on tomorrow short term focus on now Metabolic endocrine mainly liver unlike T3 and T4 go to the whole body Increase glucose utilization Breakdown of fat people get stressed lose weight and protein muscles breakdown then bone suppose one can find food tomorrow and build back then Increase vascular smooth muscle responsive to Epi and NE so we can move the nutrients around blood pressure goes up Anti inflammatory inhibit immune responses we don t want too much immune responses So if one is starving he she may be less likely to have inflammation Negative feedback on growth not become a bigger you if you are even not be able to survive tomorrow High cortisol not grow height and reproduction stressed less interested in reproduction o Disorders No cortisol Dead with in days Adrenal insufficiency Weak glucose drop BP drop AKA Addison s syndrome Cushing s syndrome too much cortisol Bone strength drop glucose high BP high drop Sex steroid stimulates secretion of GH and IGF 1 immune obesity Mar 19 th Wednesday Process regulating somatic growth figure 11 26 o Somatic growth requires protein synthesis for cell division o Height growth of bones Adding new cells at epiphyseal plates steroids fuse o Growth of other tissues based on cell proliferation via mitosis Endocrine control of growth o Growth hormone GH Secreted from anterior pituitary gland Regulated by GHRH and SS Highest during development Actions Primary stimulate IGF 1 o From liver but bones too o Causes cell proliferation Stimulates muscle development Mobilizes nutrients o Other endocrines TH needed for GH synthesis and effect post back Cortisol can inhibit growth stressed out produce cortisol Inhibits GH secretion Opposes the effects of GH in tissues could be working as an antagonist Insulin promotes growth Sex steroids stimulate secretion of GH and IGF 1 do two things one is to secret GH and IGF 1 to stimulate growth and the other one is to gradually close the epiphyseal plates and the growth of epi would cause the gain of height Closure of epiphyseal plates Testosterone is anabolic build tissues Regulation of Calcium important on neurons on muscle contractions Three systems involved in Ca2 homeostasis 1 Bone Contains 99 of total Constant remodeling if not moving lose the Calcium so get the old people moving Less energy and strength involved in the bones Filter plasma how much Calcium go to the urine is determined 2 Kidney affect on kidney Regulates Ca2 excretion 3 Gastrointestinal tract Site of Ca2 absorption from diet Two major endocrines figure 11 30 1 Parathyroid hormone PTH Produced by parathyroid glands Glands have a receptor for Ca2 Drop in plasma Ca2 increase PTH PTH acts to increase plasma Ca2 plasma o Retention by kidney o Cause kidney to make Vitamin D o Bone reabsorption breakdown the bone and release Ca to the 1 1 25 dihydroxyvitamin D AKA calcitriol Vit D is synthesized by UV radiation of a precursor molecule in skin synthesized in the skin Vit D is converted and activated in liver and kidney maybe first converted to the liver then to the kidneys o The conversion in kidney is due to PTH kidneys impact indirectly Activated vit D stimulate intestinal absorption of Ca2 Synthetic vit D can be ingested not enough sunlight in my generation breaks Tons of protections blocking as a result of sunscream Circulatory System Why not only diffusion problem distance 2mm maximum So how do endocrines get around o Diffusion short required o Generate a flow convection long helps Designed to move substances o Pump heart cardio o Tubing vessels vasculature o Fluid blood Mar 21st Friday Cardiac anatomy figure 12 6 Pattern of flow o Pulmonary V oxy enter the person s left atrium L ventricle via bicuspid atrioventricular valve aorta aorta arch because it has arch shape via semilunar body Becomes doxy not unoxy oxygen is not used completely o S I vena cava R atrium R ventricle via tricuspid pulmonary aorta via semilunar most of the problem with valves with bi tricuspids not semilunar valves Lung pulmonic remember left bicuspid right tri Interventricular septum wall between two ventricles Chamber size o Atria ventricles o Right left WHY only one answer in Exam Myocardium Properties Figure 9 39 o Striated like skeletal myosin and actin like both skeletal and smooth muscles o Shorter myofibers v skeletal need to have 3D movement in the heart so need many shorter ones Junctions between cells intercalated discs we need the cells to be held

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OSU EEOB 2520 - Thyroid gland

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