70 s Rise of Feminism women were fighting for rights equality in home workplace kept last name started Nation Organization for Women NOW Women s rights movement Roe vs Wade 1973 Roe is fake name woman wanted legal abortion but illegal at time took to court went to supreme court supreme court allowed abortion legal now right to privacy Equal Rights Amendment gave women same pay and rights under law people spoke against it and did not pass LBJ resigns b c he increased fighting in Vietnam people went against him Congress passes War Powers Act in 1973 saying that president needs approval to send troops anywhere only overseas 90 days then congress gets to decide if they want them to be there Richard Nixon republican won Vietnamization withdrawing soldiers from vietnam tried to break ice in cold war reached out to China and Soviet Union signs SALT 1 treaty limiting amount of missiles each country could make did not work Detainte easing tensions between China and Soviet Union Nixon paranoid started video taping oval office meetings tapped people phone lines had committe to re electing president CRP re elect him for president Nixon Goes against Democrat Nixon had people put wires into democrat parties at Watergate hotel people asked CRP for records for where money was coming from investigation started Nixon guilty and tries to cover up truth comes out United States vs Nixon takes him to court to get tapes from him U S wins and Nixon turns in tapes house of representatives tries to impeach him senate tries to put him on trial before that he resigns as president Next President his vice president Gerald Ford He gets Nixon out of jail and Nixon never gets on trial people did not trust government people hated Ford because he pardoned Nixon Jimmy Carter president peanut farmer big teeth blonde hair democrat got elected because people didn t didn t trust government and b c he had never been in a government position fighter for human rights Camp David Accords Hostages economy bad he was not re elected Oil in middle east lots exported to US During 1970 s we were supported israel so stopped selling oils to us Jimmy Carter Camp David Accords invited prime minister of Israel and Egypt to talk about it Israel agreed with Egypt peace talk success Khomeini took over Israel and the Shah who sold US oil was kicked out hated America America allowed Shah to come Khomeini took American hostages for more than a year Jimmy Carter tries to get out of hostage 80 s aids started to occur Ronald Reagan won gets credit for getting hostages out republican very conservative Supply Side Economics cut taxes for wealthy will re invest more money to start businesses will help everyone else economy was booming at time Iran Contra Scandal Nicaragua Sandinistas Reagan did not want Sandinistas in office because he thought they were communist however amendment said that we can not give any military aid to help overthrow Sandinistas but in Iran promised release of hostages in Lebanon to raise money America sold weapons to Nicaragua going against amendment but Reagan denies it 90 s Present George H W Bush republican president during Persian Gulf War and ended Cold War president when wall came down Bill Clinton democrat balanced budget and America made more money than they spent budget surplus gets caught in lie house of representatives impeached him senate finds him not guilty 2000 election George W Bush vs Al Gore 3rd party Ralph Nader demanded recount Bush v Gore court denies recount Bush won popular vote doesn t matter tax cuts put into recession cut taxes but continued to spend Iraq war Homeland Security Act help to protect us from another threat
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