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Progressivism 1 The Progressive Era a Beginning of the 20th Century i Progressivism Defined 02 13 2014 1 Upton Sinclair Wrote the Jungle Published in the 1907 a Story of Immigrants settlers in America It talks about the meat packing industry in the early 1900 s The most important part was how horrible the working conditions were and how the meat was being processed with rat dropping and bones There should be laws on what is sold as meat 2 Jacob Riis Reformer Photographer Book How the other half lives 3 Definition Movement in early 1900 s to build a better county Socially Economically Politically a Progressives began to attack the lazie faire government should not get involved They could regulate meat industry b Critical of ideas of Social Darwinism c Republican and Democratic Progressives d Tended to be urban white and middle class e They wanted to make society better especially economically 4 Triangle Shirtwaist Fire Factory workers had pretty dangerous jobs There were not safety precautions Fire in Garment District in NYC They could not escape because the doors were locked Women jumped out of the window to try to live Many died There should be laws regulating this a Child labor Children should have to work especially in terrible working conditions 5 Jane Addams Middle to Upper class would establish settlement houses b Women s Suffrage i Giving women the right to vote It was enormously controversial They believed that men were less emotional business orientated more headed while women were more emotional and nurturing Argued that women need to vote 1920 was when women received the right to vote 19th Amendment was created When NC voted on it 35 voted yes needed 36 Sallie Southhall Cotton said that NC would cast the decided vote It failed in NC TN became the state to give the right for women to vote cotton hall was named after her Progressive were not successful with this c National Progressivism i Theodore Roosevelt Born into wealthiest family in the United States Very powerful and influential family Served in navy and governor Loved being outdoors The teddy bear was named after him Also a great writer 1901 becomes president Embarks a series of changes He sought to regulate and control Big businesses He thought it was the proper role of government to act like an official The federal government was taking an active role on what could be sold to people 1 He was applauded by The Jungle Created an Act ii Woodrow Wilson Elected in 1912 also continued this movement in establishing a more regulatory role for the government Income tax a fairer way of taxing people Federal Reserve System 2 State Progressivism NC a Education Charles B Aycock governor 1901 Argued that NC should invest heavily in the education system Roughly 700 000 students in the state and about 200 000 attended school He was appalled by this Children were working and didn t go to school State should double investment in education Schools to stay open a minimum 4 months a year Schools to built within reasonably walking distance NC did double expenditure He earned nickname of Education Governor b Prohibition National amendment to the constitution Alcohol created social problems Evidence that alcoholism was leading to poverty bad for the economy violence So the decided to make society better by abolishing alcohol Clergy Women business men educators were in favor of it Little white ribbons to symbolize they were a supporter of the progressive movement prohibition In 1908 NC residents voted in favor of outlawing alcohol This limits people who aren t doing anything wrong c Mill Life Child Labor SO few children going to school because thousands of them were working in textile mills Mills used machinery to turn materials into other stuff Communities popped up around the Mills Families would negotiate contracts for the entire family Progressive were horrified by this To them this was immoral Children should be in schools and not working in unsafe conditions They began to advocate for Child Labor Laws Families depended on their children for their money They didn t like how outsiders told them their children should be at school Progressive were successful children could work more than 8 hours a day 1916 Government was regulating this d What slowed the progressive movement Outbreak of war in Europe US tries to stay out of But we eventually got pulled into it Terms Charles Aycock Progressivism Women s Suffrage Prohibition TR Lintheads 02 13 2014 02 13 2014

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ECU HIST 1051 - Progressivism

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