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KIN 1600 General Illness Contagious Illnesses Acute illness Chronic illness has to do with your lifestyle or genetics not focused on today Things that make us sick on a day to day business If an illness only hurts one part of your body then it is localized If you have an illness that begins in one places and then spreads to other parts it is called disseminating If you have an illness that hurts the whole body at one time it is called systemic Illness is caused by a pathogen which is a small living organism that invades the body and causes an illness o Pathogen is a fancy word for germ The medical community recognizes five types of pathogens 1 Bacteria single cell treated using full prescription of antibiotics cannot stop before taking whole prescription because your body builds up resistance 2 Virus smallest pathogen when you get a virus you do not get rid of it when your immune system is low the virus starts growing and replicating causing you to get ill if you stay in good condition the virus will remain dormant cannot treat a virus with antibiotics you can only control the symptoms of a virus 3 Protozoa larger than a bacteria could be categorized as a disseminative pathogen example is malaria 4 Fungus fungi plant like growth on the surface of the skin example is ringworm athlete s foot walking barefoot for a long period of time not bathing eating raw meat treated by depriving it of moisture creams salves lotions designed to dry out the fungus do not touch it because it may spread peels off 5 Parasite a worm an actual animal that invades the host and lives off the host some parasites live on the surface of the skin ectoparasite endoparasite lives on the inside of your body if it can be seen on an xray it needs to be surgically removed you can take poison and poison the parasite often seen in places that are not industrially developed or clean Illnesses Common Throughout the World Infectious diseases worldwide can cause 5 million deaths a year o Specifically AIDS malaria and TB can kill 5 million people a year and cause up to 300 million people to get sick Cholera disease spread through contaminated water unsanitary bathroom conditions infection of the intestines from a bacteria main symptom is copious diarrhea people die from cholera due to dehydration from the diarrhea includes severe vomiting cramps from dehydration o An estimated 200 000 cases each year Hepatitis A virus contagious liver disease primary way to be spread is through a fecal oral route or ingesting contaminated food or water best protection is a hepatitis A vaccination can cause fever fatigue jaundice very dark urine mistaken for bloody urine o 1 4 million cases a year Hepatitis B the most common disease in the world most serious form of hepatitis makes your liver swell jaundice fatigue nausea vomiting cirrhosis of the liver liver cells die and scar tissue grows in its place o 2 billion cases a year o Over 350 million people are never able to recover from the symptoms Hepatitis C less common and less severe than the other two you never get symptoms but it does live in your body o 180 million people have it right now and ad 3 4 million each year Influenza several epidemics of it in the 20th century that caused millions of deaths worldwide worst one in American history was the Spanish flu in 1918 killing half a million people less serious than the other illnesses the flu specifically attacks your respiratory system fever severe headaches fatigue coughing sore throat nasal congestion aches o 20 000 people in the US die each year from it Japanese encephalitis mosquitoes in Asia o 50 000 cases each year 30 die Malaria mosquito illness common in subtropical climates found malaria in 90 different countries but 90 of all cases occur in sub Saharan Africa especially dangerous to children and most children die first stage causes shaking chills then you have an unusually high fever you cant break and a severe headache in the final stages the temperature of the body drops to an inappropriate rate and the victim sweats profusely causing dehydration which will cause anemia and swelling of the spleen o 500 million people in the world have it each year o 1 3 million die Measles dropped dramatically since the vaccine was introduced symptoms includes rash high fever coughing serious measles cause diarrhea pneumonia how they die and severe infections in the ear causing hearing problems o 30 million cases a year o Most cases are in developing countries Meningitis illness of the spinal chord usually the result of a bacteria or viral infection occasionally people with late stages of AIDS can acquire this because their immune system is almost gone o 1 2 million cases each year o 10 are fatal River blindness caused by the larvae of a parasitic worm can live in the human body for years symptoms include visual impairment rashes lesions skin dispigmentation Rota virus most common type of virus dehydrates severe abdominal pain o 270 000 people went blind o 6 5 million people developed dermatitis vomiting diarrhea o Kills over 600 000 children each year Pneumonia strepto choccus infection many causes can stay in your body and cause problems for a long time o Approx 100 000 people in the hospital each year for this o Over 60 000 of them develop meningitis Tuberculosis if we do not get better prevention of this disease by 2020 there will be a billion cases of this in the lungs inhibiting your ability to breathe chest pain bloody phlegm weight loss fatigue night sweats extremely contagious o 2 million deaths every year worldwide Typhoid fever infected food and polluted water sudden high fever that stays lose your appetite severe headache and nausea rapidly go from severe diarrhea to constipation o 600 000 deaths annually o 12 17 million cases of this at one time Ways to Spread Contact handles Vectors o Direct contact kissing sex o Indirect contact people that use drugs or steroids sharing of a needle Common vehicle we all share o Air supply water supply bus seats computer keyboards door o Animal that can cause illness o Ticks can cause lime disease dogs can spread rabies Wash your hands keep things clean wash your fruits and vegetables use your own toothbrush quarantine yourself when you are sick o Patient zero Movies And the band played on youtube

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LSU KIN 1600 - General Illness

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