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KIN 1600 HIV AIDS 10 07 2013 In the US 2011 there are 872 275 HIV cases If you add the cases of AIDS to that the overall number that have either AIDS or HIV is 1 7 million 20 of HIV cases and AIDS cases go undiagnosed Each year there are approx 50 000 new cases Half of those cases are people under 25 40 of those new cases are women Overall there are approx 300 000 women in the US that have AIDS or HIV Also 76 000 children that have HIV or AIDS People argue that the first AIDS case was in 1979 but 1981 is accepted as when AIDS came here Since the beginning of record keeping 660 000 deaths 16 000 deaths each year For new AIDS cases the people that get it the most are ages 13 19 Homosexual contact is the biggest way it is spread 2nd activity is heterosexual contact 3rd activity is drug usage blood to blood contact Gay black and bisexual people get HIV and AIDS at a much higher level than the rest of the population Worldwide 34 million HIV and AIDS cases are open right now 3 3 million of them are children 70 of all cases are on the continent of Africa Each year worldwide there are 95 million HIV tests that are given A new case of HIV is determined every 9 minutes Each year there are 2 5 million new cases worldwide 1 7 million deaths 230 000 of them children 300 000 new cases in children each year worldwide Since the beginning of record keeping the number of HIV and AIDS cases is around 70 million cases at all times 35 million have died Close to 17 million women are currently living with HIV Louisiana 4th highest state in terms of AIDS cases per capita Approximately 30 000 open HIV and AIDS cases in LA Includes 350 children Approximately 1500 new cases each year BR tops the nation in per capita AIDS cases Rate of 29 meaning 29 100 000 people have AIDS Miami is second Atlanta is third NO is 4th All those cities are much bigger than BR All in the south 60 of overall cases are black people 40 are white Overall 14 000 people have died from HIV and AIDS in LA 111 were children History In 1981 a gay man died in San Francisco When they cut him open and did blood work they noticed that he did not have an immune system More and more homosexuals died of the same thing People thought it was just gay people causing GRID or Gay Related Immune Disorder In 1983 two women who had sex with bisexual men got the virus so it was no longer confined to gay people Overtime people began to realize that it was anyone who had blood that was at risk In 1984 a collaborative effort between the US and France identified the virus which was then called HIV or Human Immunodeficiency Virus Once you get the virus it cause you to die of AIDS You do not die from HIV Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome Opportunistic Infections kill you In 1991 Magic Johnson was diagnosed with HIV Has lived so long because he is very proactive about it Has a lot of money with a chef and physical trainer Works to stay as healthy as popular When HIV started it specifically started with people that all had a same common fact about them They went to bathhouses in San Francisco Gay people used to go to them and have random sex San Francisco shut down the bathhouses People with HIV were no longer to donate blood Took a while to keep them from donating blood so there was an amount of time where HIV was spread through blood transfusions Once you acquire HIV you might seem healthy for a long time First thing that happens is that you get a cold that goes away Without treatment people can live 6 12 months The medications for HIV are very costly and make the patient very ill why they use marijuana The majority of the medicines are able to slow HIV down not get rid of it In terms of sex anal and vaginal intercourse is the most common activity that spreads the illness Also when you are having sex the person on the bottom has a higher rate of acquiring HIV than the insertive partner AIDS attacks your immune system and destroys it bit by bit Generally your body fights disease with helper T cells and B cells and they work together when you get sick to make you well HIV attacks the T cells very thoroughly Because of that the T cells do not signal the B cells to fight the The B cells need to produce healthy proteins to replace the diseased ones but cannot do it until signaled by the T cells To be classified as having HIV your T cell count done through a blood test illness is below 200 Normal T cell count is 500 1200 Below 200 makes you susceptible to anything Towards the end you develop dementia and die Some people do not show the symptoms for a decade or more If not diagnosed people usually died between 6 to 10 months When you have HIV you try to make it go into a dormant stage by eating healthy and exercising right Only comes out when the conditions in your body get bad DO NOT THINK THAT IT CANNOT HAPPEN TO YOU For a while 98 of AIDS cases were men Now the group of people getting AIDS the fastest is women between the ages of 24 and 35 WOMEN take control o Use protection o Get tested If you think that you might of acquired to get HIV get a baseline test 3 times over 18 months AIDS is a miserable and painful illness In the end you have every infection imaginable Need to know the BIG statistics AIDS is not very hearty so out of its environment it does not spread quickly ex Toilet seat KIN 1600 Nutrition Guest Speaker 10 07 2013 Enhance performance of athletes and physically active individuals A Healthy Eating Plan Improve brain function Help maintain a healthy weight range Prevent chronic disease Manage health conditions Energy Requirements Varies by individual to maintain healthy weight Moderately active people 18 years and older 1800 2200 female 2200 2600 male Depends on weight goals activity level and an individual s age and size 500 for weight loss or gain Nutrients Macronutrients Carbohydrates Protein Fat Primary source of energy for all body functions and muscular exertion Alcohol Provide energy to the body Support the energy cycle and cellular function Micronutrients Vitamins Minerals Water Carbohydrates 4 kcal per gram DRI 40 60 calories Simple is sugar complex is starch Build and repair muscle and other tissues Maintains fullness and metabolism 10 35 calories Protein Fat Concentrated source of energy and source of essential fatty acids 9kcal per gram 20 35 of total calories Water Helps cool the body and bring the metabolism up to speed Transports electrolytes and …

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