Psychological Disorders Whole Body Disorders Have emotional cognitive and physical symptoms Anxiety Disorders excessive or unrealistic anxiety fear as a group are most common and very costly Many effective treatments with and without medications Generalized Anxiety Disorder Feelings of dread impending doom Highly sensitive to criticism Trouble making decisions Effects of physical tension aches pains tender Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Trauma reactions general or specific now or delayed PTSD is a specific set of symptoms 1 Re experience 2 Avoidance Symptoms 3 Hyper arousal symptoms Specific Phobia Leads to avoidance Irrational fear of object or situation excessive to risk know it but cant stop it Severity varies greatly phobia vs phobic disorder Social Phobia Fear of negative evaluations Serious phobia because it is difficult to avoid Panic Disorder 2 3 are women Panic attacks interfere with daily life think fear dying After first attack may develop 1 Fear of fear fear of another attack Panic Attack Sudden onset intense dread with multiple physical symptoms often 2 Agoraphobia fear of leaving familiar home most also have phobia Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Obsessions create anxiety that is relieved by performing compulsions Obsessions Intruding and unwanted thoughts Compulsions Repetitive ritualistic behavior Situations are fluctuate over time Treatments Medications exposure and response prevention
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