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Study Guide for Final Exam Exam 3 final will cover 7 12 and references of the examples of institutions from class Deviance any behavior that violates the social norms and values shared by the people in a particular culture norms vary so deviance varies across societies norms directly relate to and influence deviance in a society deviance is NOT synonymous with criminal a behavior can be deviant and legal or illegal and not deviant Durkheim was very involved with deviance main concern was the nature of society and social order what factors hold a society together and what factors destroy he saw a society as a system made up of inter related parts deviance is a symptom of society not working well together Merton changed the meaning of anomie from lack of norms to a situation where norms do not match social structure Cloward Ohlin opportunity theory opportunity theory extended strain theory by pointing out that just as legitimate means to success people commit the acts of deviance that they have access to Opportunity and resources influence what can occur ex white collar crimes Rational Choice Theory a social exchange based on we all make rational choices we all have free will chose between benefits and consequences Goals of criminal justice system rehabilitation diagnose prescribe a person deterrence punishment to prevent future crime incapacitation isolation for protection of society retribution punishment as a consequence Labeling Theory based on relativity nothing is inherited deviant an act is deviant when its labeled deviant labeling is a process of interaction between the labeler and the person being labeled Institutions Family Education Religion Politics Economics Rational choice theory Max Weber said behavior occurs in four categories 1 behaviors oriented through higher values such as politics 2 behavior oriented toward habit 3 behavior oriented toward emotions 4 behavior oriented toward self interest Main Concepts of the semester microsociology study of human behavior in context of face to face interaction macrosociology study of large scale groups organizations or social systems Variables independent variables that influenced are causes dependent variables that are influenced are effects Research qualitative observation interviews quantitative look for cause and effect of correlation use variables Norms values are based on norms they make up the laws of our society norms are different in every culture culture anything that exists is culture through socialization we learn what culture is reflects ideas of society as a whole culture is always changing culture knowledge language values customs material objects that are passed from person to person Norms William G Summer rules for behavior they change over time 3 types folkways mores laws Primary Groups long lasting emotional ties only belong to a few leadership concerning others well being not goal oriented Secondary Groups temporary goal oriented leadership is instrumental Statuses ascribed born with these have no choice over achieved effort to require master status that defines the person

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OSU SOCIOL 1101 - Study Guide for Final Exam

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