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WORLD WAR I Part 1 The War was supposed to be short Mobilization of Society Mobilization of Resources Mobilization of Minds The Great Battles of 1916 WORLD WAR I The War was supposed to be short Franco Prussian War of 1870 was the model Wars will be won with careful planning and effective execution All sides had elaborate plans Most elaborate plan was Germany s 1891 France and Russia allied against Germany Almost 25 years of planning Europe in 1914 WORLD WAR I War was supposed to German planning be short Defeat France first and then take on Russia Defeat France in six weeks Timetable was critical August 1 1914 German army moved Offensive failed Map of Schlieffen Plan WORLD WAR I Mobilization of Society Each country needed every able bodied man Britain called for volunteers at first By 1917 Germany had conscription for all Role of women Needed for all kinds of war work Women should have right to participate in the political process British recruits training WORLD WAR I Mobilization of Resources Free enterprise had to be set aside Governments took control of economies Great increase in power of government WORLD WAR I Mobilization of minds Unlike World War II no notion that one side was good and the other evil So motivation had to be Present the other side created as evil WORLD WAR I Great Battles of 1916 Battle of Verdun February December 1916 French versus Germans 800 000 casualties Battle of the Somme July December 1916 British versus Germans 20 000 British killed on July 1 420 000 British casualties alone total The Somme Map Verdun and the Somme WORLD WAR I Great Battles of 1916 Bruzilov Offensive June September 1916 Russians versus Austrians and Germans 1 000 000 Russian casualties 1917 Some countries were shattered Whole nations broke and ran Winston Churchill Bruzilov Offensive

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LSU HIST 1003 - WORLD WAR I (Part 1)

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