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ASOC 203 Unit II Apr 2nd EXAM 2 Review sheet for exam 2 Your exam may include but is NOT limited to the following Be familiar with Bittner s definition of police defined by capacity to use force police discretion is a necessary and positive police attribute Intermediate Sanctions Holding area between courts EX Comm service boot camp etc Deterrence Doctrine explanation of the nature of crime and if the sentenced punishment actually deters crime in future a When parts of punishment are greater than the reward of crime b Rational person sentenced with free will c Punishment should be sufficiently swift and severe The criminal court process refers to process under criminal law that usually starts with conviction and ends with a charge 1 Arrest Police interactions 2 Decision to Prosecute 3 Preliminary Hearings Defendant enters plea 4 Trial 5 Sentencing by judge Probation Conditional release of a convicted offender into the community under the supervision of a probation officer and subject to certain conditions Parole a systems whereby eligible inmates can earn early release and serve the remainder of their sentence in the community under the supervision of a parole officer Incapacitation placing offenders behind bars during prime crime time of life reduces likeliness of further crime a Collective incapacitation prevent by imprisoning all criminals b Selective incapacitation target repeat offenders Boot camps Possibility as an Intermediate Sanction Community Policing form of policing that instead of using real cops people in communities are taking charge to prevent crime before they occur Involves cooperation of police and community Be able to answer the following 1 Be familiar with dynamics of human trafficking discussed in class Main functions labor and sex trafficking prostitution Major problem illegal immigration usually occurs Commonly Trafficked Economic and Politically disabled families and the young in those groups Current policies and law cannot keep up the amount of prostitution 2 Be familiar with details of New York State vs Ralph Tortorici Happened on SUNY Albany campus one man took a classroom hostage and said he had to tell the president something One injured person that wrested the gun from the shooter Man was arrested and not guilty by reason of insanity and lack of proper mental health Later committed suicide in jail 3 Be able to distinguish between legal and social criteria that police use in determining formal or informal remedial procedures Legal Severity of offense frequency violence weapons sexual Social Extra Legal Race Age Ethnicity socio economic status Age sex is a consistent and strong predictor of crime 4 6 How many suspects do police arrest 15 20 5 What are ways to improve policing Focus on hotspots for crime then notice crime displacement that usually occurs Maybe try community policing Be familiar with major findings of Wilson and Kelling s study Broken Window Theory states that maintaining and monitoring urban environments in good condition may stop further crime and vandalism Be familiar with prisoner characteristics in the United States 2 million imprisoned highest in world 93 males 45 black 18 Latino 68 not complete HS 24 are drug offenders 7 8 How many parolees return to prison 40 55 Probation 14 30 9 Which Amendment of the Constitution provides indigent offenders counsel Sixth Haebius Corpus offers counseling for those who are poor and needy 10 Be familiar with key findings from Harris Scarpitti et al Racial Profiling is high amongst black drivers and have much greater chance of getting pulled over than whites 11 Be familiar with key findings from Cole Scarpitti et al Cole attacked strain theory in the 1970s saying it was abandoned 12 Be familiar with key findings from Klockars Scarpitti et al People will lye to interviewees no shame in stealing 30gs of goods Private policing individuals groups associations take it up as hobby job with good people

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UAlbany CRJ 203 - EXAM 2

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