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RCRJ 203 Criminology Cynthia Najdowski 2 17 14 Organized Crime What is organized Crime Group crime of any kind Subtypes Driven by political and social motivations terrorist groups Seek psychological gratification motorcycle gangs Seek profits and power street gangs Seek profits and power in exchange for illicit services through use of force threats and coercion syndicate crime Classic Pattern Ex assault coercion extortion murder etc Strategic and tactical crimes Assure discipline Illegal businesses and activities Provide services in response to public demand Ex gambling loan sharking labor racketeering drug trafficking prostitution porn stolen property etc Legitimate business Provide a cover for money gained from illegal operations Fronts for operations and meeting places Models of Organized Crime Organized crime as a nationwide conspiracy Mafia What Mafia Joseph Valachi was the 1st to publically acknowledge its existence La Costa Nostra Wiseguy Goodfellas Nonfiction book by crime reporter Nicholas Pileggi adapted screenplay with Depicts one mans role in the rise and fall of the Lucchese crime family from Martin Scorsese 1955 to 1980 Gained momentum because of prohibition Allegiance of 24 families Members of Sicilian or Italian descent Formal structure Criminal Careers Organized criminals tend to Maintain their livelihood through crime Identify with crime and criminal activity Possess strong organizational identity Belong to structured groups Come from low income areas Subscribe to a code of secrecy The Mafia of the 1960 s 90 s Informants gave FBI power Disputes between families Many leaders were aging Models of Organized Crime Organized crime as a nationwide conspiracy Organized crime as local ethnic groups Organized crime as enterprse Ethnic Succession Theory Organized crime provides a means of upward mobility for groups who are stuck in the bottom rungs of the social ladder Shift to organized Crime Criminal activities take place in more then 1 country Ex money laundering terrorist activities arms trafficking drug trafficking human trafficking Spectrum of legitimacy Organized crime fills the demand for particular goods services that the legitimate market cannot supply Enterprise theory Policy Responses Policy Responses Supply focused Legalization Interdiction Target organized criminals Organized Crime Control Act 1970 Demand focused Education Rehabilitation Theory Application Classical Theory Rewards outweigh risks Anomie Theory Legitimate means to success are blocked and innovators substitute other means crime Differential Opportunity Theory Organized crime is viewed as a good opportunity Criminal subcultures socialize the individual into valuing criminal values and attitudes What is Organized Crime Not all organized crime is Mafia

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UAlbany CRJ 203 - Organized Crime

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