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Green Revolution Orographic rainfall enhanced precipitation over uplands that results from lifting large storms marked by well defined air circulation around a low pressure and cooling of air masses as they are forced over mountains Cyclone center term applied to the development of agricultueal techniques used in developing countries that involve new genetically altered seeds that provide higher yields than native seeds when combined with high inputs of chemical fertilizer irrigation and pesticides and other regions of the world that is the product of larger meteorological forces of land and water heating the resultant pressure gradients and jet stream dynamic the seasonal pattern of changes in winds heat and moisture in south Asia Monsoon Micronesia low sandy islands made from coral often oriented around a central lagoon Atoll pacific ocean region that includes culturally complex generally darker Melanesia skinned peoples of New Guiena Solomon Islands Vanuatu New Caledonia Fiji pacific Ocean region that includes culturally diverse generally small islands north of Melanesia Includes the Mariana Islands Marshall Islands and Federated States of Micronesia that includes Hawaiian Islands Marquesas Islands Society Islands Tuamotu Archipelago Cook Islands American Samoa Tonga and Kiribati pacific islands region broadly unified by language and cultural traditions Polynesia Be able to explain how Pacific islands are formed and evolve over time into atolls Slides for February 19th Textbook page 651 Differentiate between Micronesia Melanesia and Polynesia Textbook pages 640 1 Slides for February 19th Also be able to describe how people first settled Oceania Textbook pages 653 4 Understand that some Oceanian places are independent states while others remain overseas territories of foreign powers Textbook page 664 5 Be able to describe some of the ecological changes European settlement of Australia caused for that continent Slides for February 21st Know how Australia s immigration policy has changed over time from the White Australia Policy to today Also understand what Australia s current policy is on asylum seekers without visas coming to Australia today by boat Slides for February 21st Textbook page 660 Know what the Antarctic Treaty is and what it permits and bans from happening on the continent of Antarctica Extra reading for February 24th slides for February 24th Be able to say what issue in the Antarctic Treaty system is going to be up for discussion when that part of the treaty expires in 2048 Slides for February 24th Understand how the weather changes during the year in a monsoon climate and how the shifting ITCZ moves the rainy season across South Asia Slides for February 26th textbook page 545 Know what orographic precipitation means and which side of a mountain gets rain and snow and which doesn t through this kind of precipitation Slides for February 26th textbook page 545 Recall how South Asia is one of the world s most populous regions but also one of its most rural ones Slides for February 26th textbook page 548 Understand that South Asia s population is highly diverse in terms of religion language and ethnicity Partition partially divided South Asia by religion but both India and Pakistan are still home to many different cultural groups and religious minorities Slides for February 26th textbook pages 560 565 Understand how British India was partitioned at independence into India and Pakistan and some of the continuing consequences of partition for South Asia Slides for February 28th March 17th textbook pages 569 571 Identify the province of Kashmir and understand how the conflict between India and Pakistan over Kashmir is rooted in the partition of 1947 Slides for February 28th textbook pages 570 571 Be able to compare countries and identify patterns among them by graphing their population and development indicators as we did in a pop quiz recently See examples of population and development indicators on pages 548 and 577 for an example of graphing development indicators see the slideshow for March 7th Note how India is still a majority rural country but has some of the biggest cities on earth Understand the major problems facing India s cities such as improving living conditions in slums like Bombay s Dharavi neighborhood Slides for March 7th Understand why the monsoon s rainfall is crucial to the success of many cotton farmers in central India Also understand the problems facing those small cotton farmers Slides for March 10th Describe some factors that contribute to the problem of farmer suicides in India like crop failures the high cost of growing cotton and lack of affordable credit Slides for March 10th the documentary The Dying Fields Know what is meant by the Green Revolution and what some effects of the Green Revolution were for agriculture in South Asia Slides for March 10th textbook page 552 Know what GMOs are and what Bt cotton does to protect against insect pests Slides for March 10th the documentary The Dying Fields Understand what marriage dowries are and how growing dowry expectations are a factor in some Indian families economic problems Slides for March 10th the documentary The Dying Fields Comprehend the connection between American universities and distant places like Bangladesh through the clothing industry Understand that Bangladesh has in recent years become one of the world s largest garment exporting countries and the serious workplace safety and economic issues facing Bangladeshi garment workers Slides for March 17th Know what ethnic group is the majority living on both sides of the Pakistan Afghanistan border including in the FATA Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan Slides for March 17th and 19th textbook pages 461 62 Describe how the U S and Pakistan successfully supported rebels against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistan and the unintended consequences of that war for international terrorism Slides for March 19th Understand the context of Afghanistan s Taliban movement coming to power in the 1990s and the context of the Taliban s continuing military conflict with the U S and Afghan government Slides for March 19th textbook pages 468 469 Know where most of the military fighting is happening in Afghanistan Slides for March 19th Understand U S and NATO forces are now withdrawing from Afghanistan after a troop surge and military offensive in 2009 2011 Slides for March 19th Know how complicated the U S supply lines into Afghanistan are

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