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Temperament Attachment Parenting Styles Temperament typical pattern of interacting with the world How we usually react to or approach things For example activity level irritability sociability and fearfulness Nature or Nurture BOTH Part genes but environment impacts Is it stable Generally YES Infancy Childhood Adulthood Temperament Profiles Easy Child 40 Flexible happy Difficult Child 10 Fussy cries often actively resist changes Slow to Warm Up Child 15 Less active resists change but more passively Mixed 35 Show variation doesn t fit one of the top 3 Childrearing and Temperament Goodness of Fit Thomas and Chess Idea that development is optimized when parenting is sensitive to a kids temperament Sensitive Negatives decrease Insensitive Negatives grow Easier to be a good fit sensitive with the easy children Attachment vs Temperament Same thing NO Temperament stable across situations Attachment styles can vary with different people But Temperament can influence attachment Attachment What is it Emotional Bond investment When does it start Early Babies ready Why attach Theories of Attachment Harry Harlow monkey Function Provides comfort during times of distress Provides security to explore Differences in quality of attachment noted What do they look like What do they mean What contributes Measuring attachment quality Strange situation Ainsworth Other methods Attachment Styles Mary Ainsworth 1978 started 4 Styles identified Secure 65 Ambivalent anxious resistant 10 Avoidant 20 Disorganized 5 I secure last 3 considered insecure Attachment styles how infants behave in strange situations and beyond Secure 65 Explores but touches base upset when mother departs but easily soothed after likes strangers if mom is present Ambivalent 10 Clingy little exploration upset when mother leaves difficult to soothe and angry upon return wary of strangers regardless Avoidant 20 May or may not explore but no touch base little to no distress when mom leaves no real reaction upon return may or may not like stranger Disorganized Disoriented 5 Most stressed may appear confused dazed fearful inconsistent behavior Attachment Styles associated parenting behavior Secure warm and sensitive responsive expressive and positive Ambivalent inconsistent warm etc at times but mostly indifferent Avoidant cold and rejecting OR impatient and intense either way insensitive Disorganized abusive extremely neglectful Life Correlations How it carries on into later life Secure Independent and confident but welcomes closeness Report more life satisfactions Described by others as well adjusted Seek out and provide support under stress Easier to overcome later difficulties Can it change Can change but 80 grade school same type as infant Why Working model of world environment probably similar Changes Like IQ seen with environmental changes which is good with insecure Is attachment history destiny While secure attachments do seem to make life easier they do not guarantee positive adjustment and insecure attachments do not always lead to poor life outcomes Most things in life are multiply determined this is just one part although important Especially with awareness therapy exposure to other good healthy relationships those with a history of insecure attachment can increase change of improving adjustment scores trust and intimacy become issues Can be hard to overcome early traumatic bonding Who is at high risk for insensitive parenting And what can we do Clinically depressed caregivers Those who felt unloved neglected or abused as kids often start with good intentions Unplanned unwanted pregnancies Parents with other issues legal financial health interpersonal no social support Parenting Styles Baumrind 1970s identified 2 important dimensions 1 Parental Warmth acceptance and responsiveness affection support encouragement 2 Parental Control monitor and discipline expectations and limits Warmth Acceptance High Low Authoritative Authoritarian Permissive Indulgent Uninvolved Neglectful C o n t r o l a n d L i m i t s H i g h L o w Authoritative Accepting affectionate high expectations uses reason Associated Child Behavior tend to be curious confident reliable cooperative well behaved popular independent good students less drug use Authoritarian High standards for behavior little affection ridged punitive Associated Child Behavior low self confidence less friendly maybe anxious may get angry aggressive with frustration less positive peer interactions may see behavior problems or depression anxiety withdrawal Permissive Indulgent affectionate undemanding inconsistent discipline Associated Child Behaviors Tend to be impulsive immature moody disobedient and overly dependent on adults don t do as well in school and give up when things get tough Uninvolved Neglectful emotionally detached undemanding Associated Child Behaviors Tend to have the most negative outcomes low self confidence and higher risk of substance abuse delinquency and mental health problems

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KSU PSYC 11762 - Temperament, Attachment, Parenting Styles

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