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RCRJ 203 Criminology Cynthia Najdowski 4 3 14 A Men s issue Jackson Katz s bystander intervention How we talk about sexual violence Interrupt inappropriate conversations Its not about sensitivity its about leadership Louis C K an exemplar leader Child Sexual Abuse 44 of rape sexual assault victims are less than 18 1 in 4 girls and 1 in 6 boys are sexually abused before the age of 18 Perpetrator Characteristics 93 percent are known by child victims 34 family members 59 acquaintances Usually male regardless of victims gender equally likely to be heterosexual or homosexual Females are abusers in 14 of boys and 6 of girls cases 23 of perpetrators are less than 18 years old Why do abusers abuse Pedophilia Primary or exclusive sexual interest toward prepubescent children younger than 13 But pedophile does not equal child molester Exploit power imbalance to meet their needs Sexual gratification Isolation and emotional issues Case Studies Oprah Darren David Sexually abused his 12 year old daughter Sexually abused a family member for 12 years Disclosure Cycle of violence Revictimization Mot sexual abuse is not disclosed during childhood especially when Perpetrators are family members Victims are boys 28 31 of sex offenders were sexually abused as children More than non sex offenders and non offenders People think that 65 67 of sex offenders have had prior experiences of sexual abuse Child victims are extremely likely to be revictimized increased risk over 100 Compared to nonabused children they are more likely to Be sexually abused assaulted as adults Experience multiple adult sexual assaults Policy Responses Mandatory reporting Delayed discovery rules statutes off limitations extended in child sexual abuse cases Sex offender registration Jacob Wetterling crimes against children and sexually violent offender registration act 1994 The Adam Walsh child protection and safety act 2006 Problems with the registry Only 5 of offenders are convicted and register Based on questionable risk assessment practices Iatrogenic effects Stigmatization Vigilantism False sense of security Limits opportunities and supports Lack of compliance and absconding

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UAlbany CRJ 203 - A Men’s issue

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