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gene region of a chromosome that has a specific function ex can contain info required to make a protein phenotype visible traits of an organism ex color of a flower genotype genetic info that produces physical traits alleles variations in the same gene homozygous vs heterozygous Gregor Mendel Augustinian monk in Bohemia 1853 went to U of Vienna crossed genotypes dominant vs recessive set out to understand inheritance by breeding pea plants studied seed color and shape pod color and shape flower color and position and stem length law of segregation during meiosis I chromosome pair separates resulting in haploid gametes which will only have one allele dihybrid cross cross between two individuals both of whom are heterozygous for two traits law of independent assortment crossing two heterozygous alleles for two traits 4 alleles combine with each other independently of each other linked genes genes that are very close together on a chromosome and do not assort independently closer they are more probable that gametes will receive parental combos ex human hair and skin color red hair and pale skin genes very close together on chromosome linkage group all genes in a chromosome dominant traits not necessarily meant to show stronger of races

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UA RNR 170D - Gene

Course: Rnr 170d-
Pages: 1
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