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ionic substances and polar molecules are hydrophilic amphipathic molecules that contain a very polar part and a very non polar part cohesion allows surface tension all common detergents have hydrophobic and hydrophilic parts increase of H acid decrease of H base ACIDS 0 pH readily give H ions when dissolved in water denatures shape of proteins in life sour BASES 14 pH bitter pH log H readily take H ions when dissolved in water breaks down fats in organisms Class page 48 hydrogen bonding Mann Whitney U statistic rank all values high to low neutralization acid base water and salt releases heat buffers aqueous solutions that can resist changes in pH like blood sort by treatment all TUC together avg ranks statistic sum of ranks n1 n1 1 2 n1 number of data points use table with intersection point between two N1s if smaller U is less that this value then they are significantly diff So U1 critical value so very low probably that deviation between two locals is due to change mean length is significantly different assignment formulate hypothesis calculate U stat accept reject hypothesis explain work in short paragraph with details of analysis sheets under content section

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UA RNR 170D - Notes

Course: Rnr 170d-
Pages: 1
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