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Emergent properties characteristics of a system that are not present in any of its component parts car parts junk but with gas driver and key its Viruses contain genetic info as DNA or RNA surrounded by a protein coat called a capsid not able to reproduce unless it infects a host cells and hijacks the host transportation cell s machinery Biology scientific study of life that studies living organisms and the way organisms interact with their environments Five distinct qualities used to determine whether or not something is alive 1 Be made of materials organized in a hierarchal pattern 2 Use energy and raw materials to survive 3 Sense and respond to changing environments and maintain internal stability or homeostasis 4 Grow develop and reproduce with the help of DNA 5 Evolve Abiotic biotic matter abiotic nonliving biotic living at some point of time dead human and wood used for coffin are both biotic Levels of organization atoms molecules organelles cell tissue organ organ system organism population community ecosystem biosphere atom dense nucleus surrounded by electrons macromolecules are used as building blocks to form a membrane bound sphere cell prokaryotes simple v eukaryotes with organelles tissues are formed when many different kinds of cells work together to fulfill the same detailed function population all the individuals of a species living within a specific area community populations interacting together ecosystem all abiotic and biotic factors in an environment 6 themes of biology 1 structure determines function structure determined by its 3D shape and the materials from which it is made structure sometimes directly influences its possible functions ex wood used for spear vs cup etc 2 living organisms maintain homeostasis despite variability of outside world cell interior is remarkably constant environment narrow pH range because pH can cause enzymes to change shapes and function sometimes if surroundings change quickly interior conditions temporarily disturbed when cells fail to maintain homeostasis disease results 3 energy flows through living systems matter is recycled to live and grow organisms must take in certain forms of matter any matter an organism needs but cannot make for itself is considered a nutrient all matter can be accounted for recycled energy does no thane mass but can be measured in what it does many forms heat chem PE KE of motion and light energy is required for all organisms energy flows through living systems changing forms while matter cycles within living systems 4 life s components are interconnected and interdependent 5 organisms grow develop and reproduce development structure and function change in an orderly way as an organism passes through its life cycle an individual s pattern of development is partly determined by generic instructions genes recipes for proteins 6 Evolutionary processes explain both the unity and adaptive diversity of life provides explanation for why all living organisms share profound similarities and how life forms are still so diverse Enzymes molecules found within a cell that speed up the rate of the chemical reactions necessary to support life Homeostasis ability or tendency of organisms and cells to maintain stable internal conditions Energy the capacity to do work or to make a change in the location temperature or structure of matter Class observation hypothesis experiment analyze data conclusions HW select one of the limitations that you may believe exists in the red bull experiment how would you modify exp to address this limitation less than 100 words

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UA RNR 170D - Biology

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