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KINS 1223 HUMAN ANATOMY PHYSIOLOGY I EXAM 1 Lecture 1 Name the 4 Body Systems 1 Integumentary System 2 Skeletal System 3 Muscle System 4 Nervous System Name the 8 Organ Systems 1 Digestive System 2 Endocrine System 3 Circulatory System 4 Respiratory System 5 Immune System 6 Lymphatic System 7 Urinary System 8 Reproductive System Define Anatomy and Physiology Anatomy Science dealing with structure Physiology Science dealing with function Fill in the blank Structure function Function structure What are the 8 functional characteristics for maintaining life 3 Responsiveness Irritability 1 Boundaries 2 Movement 4 Digestion 5 Metabolism 6 Excretion 7 Reproduction 8 Growth 1 Water 2 Food 3 Oxygen 4 Body Temperature 5 Pressure 1 Organism 2 Organ Systems 3 Organs 4 Tissues 5 Cells 6 Organelles 7 Molecules 8 Atoms Homeostasis What are the 5 environmental factors necessary to sustain life What are the series of components in the total body ranging from complex to simple What is the relatively constant internal state of the body called What are the 3 structures necessary for homeostatic control and what do they do a Senses change 1 Receptor 2 Integrator 3 Effector a Control center that responds a Structures that restore homeostasis What are negative and positive feedback loops 1 Negative feedback loop 2 Positive feedback loop a System senses a change and activates mechanisms to reverse it a System senses a change and continues to move it in the same direction instead of reversing it b Considered self amplifying What is a homeostatic set point A grouped average for homeostatic values ex average body temp is 98 6 Explain Human Thermoregulation a First the brain senses a change in blood temperature a If the body is overheating vessels will dilate in the skin and induce sweating b If the body is too cold vasoconstriction in the skin occurs and shivering begins Explain Homeostatic Control of blood pressure 1 Circulatory stretch receptors detect a drop in blood pressure 2 Cardiac center in the brainstem sends out nerve signals 3 Heart rate increases as well as blood pressure Lecture 2 Define Stress mild stressors and severe stressors a Any stimulus that creates an imbalance in the internal environment disrupts 1 Stress homeostasis 2 Mild Stressors 3 Severe Stressors a Homeostatic mechanisms can cope and return to normal a Homeostatic mechanisms have difficulty coping i Heart attack burns fever ii Needs medical intervention What are the criteria for anatomical position 1 Person stands erect 2 Feet flat on the floor 3 Arms at sides 4 Palms eyes and face facing forward Define the following 1 Ipsilateral a Same side 2 Contralateral a Opposite side 3 Superficial a Close to surface 4 Deep 5 Cranial a Away from surface a Toward the head 6 Caudal a Toward inferior trunk 7 Visceral 8 Parietal a Inner part a Pertaining to walls of a cavity 9 Appendicular Body a Appendages such as arms legs 10 Axial Body a Central axis skull vertebra ribs Name the two primary body cavities and their sub cavities 1 Ventral Body Cavity a Thoracic Cavity b Diaphragm c Abdominal Cavity d Pelvic 2 Dorsal Body Cavity a Cranial cavity b Vertebral Canal What are the 3 Cardinal Planes and their sections 1 Sagittal a Right and Left sides 2 Frontal Coronal a Anterior and Posterior sections 3 Transverse a Upper and lower sections An atom that carries a charge due to an unequal number of protons and electrons Transfer of electrons from one atom to another Ionization increases the stability of the valence What is an ion What is ionization shell What are anions and cations 1 Anion 2 Cation a Atom that gained electrons net negative charge a Atom that lost an electron net positive charge What are the 4 classes of chemical reactions and describe them 1 Anabolism Synthesis Reactions REQUIRES energy a 2 or more atoms ions or molecules combine to form a bigger molecule 2 Chemical bonds are broken Results in 2 or more atoms ions or molecules Energy is GIVEN OFF or RELEASED 3 Exchange Displacement reactions a Combination of catabolism and anabolism b Catabolism always comes first 4 Oxidation 5 Reduction a Molecule releases electrons and energy b Called an electron donor or reducing agent c Often in the form of hydrogen atoms a Addition of electrons energy to a molecule b The reduced molecule is called an electron acceptor or oxidizing agent Define Metabolism The sum total of all the chemical reactions in the body What are the 4 factors that influence reaction rates 1 Size a Smaller faster 2 Temperature a Higher temperature faster 3 Concentration 4 Catalysts a More concentrated more change of atomic collisions a Speed up reactions without being used up itself b Biological catalysts are also known as enzymes What are the 3 chemical bonds we talked about and describe them 1 Ionic Bonds a Attraction of oppositely charged ions b No sharing of electrons c Weak bond that easily dissociates in water 2 Covalent Bonds a Formed by sharing of valence electrons b Can be single or double bonds c Nonpolar d Polar i Shared electrons ii Strongest of all bonds i Negative charge where electrons spend most time 3 Hydrogen Bonds a Weakest bond i No sharing of electrons b Attraction between polar molecules i Positive hydrogen atoms attracted to negative oxygen atoms c Physiological importance i Influence shapes of large complex molecules such as proteins ii Determined by folding due to hydrogen bonds iii Sensitive to pH and temperature Define Energy The capacity to do work What are the 5 types of energy discussed and describe them a Results from the flow of electrons a Potential energy stored in molecular bonds a Combination of chemical and electrical b Basis for nervous and muscular system function 1 Electrical 2 Chemical 3 Electrochemical 4 Mechanical a Motion 5 Heat a Kinetic energy of molecular motion i Temperature measure of rate of motion of molecules ii Heart is a byproduct of chemical reactions iii Helps maintain homeostasis Describe inorganic compounds a Generally small b Contain ionic bonds except in water c Contains NO carbon with the exception of CO and CO2 d Most important inorganic compounds a Water b Acids c Salts d Bases Water the properties of water 1 Universal solvent 2 Transportation a Moves dissolved materials b Moves large molecules 3 Lubricant frictionless movement a Organs joint cavities 4 Hydraulic shock absorber 5 Chemical reactant 6 Absorb and release heat Lecture 3 Describe Adhesion and Cohesion 1 Adhesion 2 Cohesion a One substance clings

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