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History Midterm Key Term Review The Norse in Greenland 1 Iceland 2 Erik the Red while exiled sailed west to North America to find land He named that land Greenland and convinced people to sail there after his exile was over 3 Greenland discovered by 3 sailors who were blown off course while trying to get to Iceland A lot of forests and land for farming People saw Greenland as a source to gaining higher status in that the first to land in Greenland would be more powerful because they could acquire the most land 4 Medieval Climate Anomaly in 950 the climate became a little warmer causing the sea ice around Greenland to melt and the overall climate to be less harsh for the Norse settlers 5 Eastern Settlement 6 Western Settlement 7 Disko Bay the summer gathering place for walruses which the Norse hunted for their tusks and hide Tusks ivory used for art in Europe expensive Hide used to make strong ropes 8 L Anse aux Meadows founded by Lief Erikson in 1 000 and is located in Finland but wasn t inhabited for a long time because it was not profitable due to its long distance from Iceland and Green 9 Skraeling literally means weak where natives to Arctic lands 10 Ancestral Beothuk 11 Dorset inhabited Quebec were unrelated to the other Arctic people and disappeared when the Norse left They might have traded with the Norse 12 Thule hunters and whalers originally from Alaska who moved east for more hunting grounds and land They replaced the Dorsets and the Norse had most sustained contact with the Thules Christians and Muslims in the Medieval Mediterranean The Mongols The Medieval World System The Black Death and the Medieval World The World After the Black Death The Italian Renaissance And the Mediterranean World 1 Renaissance the time of culminating social economic trends that was mostly funded by the Mediterranean trade The wealthy and literate citizens became patrons of renaissance art and thought 2 Florence operated the western half of the Mediterranean used for trade Traded wool and grain in Africa and received gold in return created their own currency called florins allowing wealthy Florentine merchants to become bankers 3 Mamluk ruling regime in Egypt that traded spices silks and other products from the Indian Ocean with the Florentines in return for slaves Florentines received from Africa 4 Ottomans a growing power throughout the Renaissance who ate away at the Byzantine Empire Conquered Constantinople in 1453 and Egypt in 1517 5 Gold Florins made out of gold obtained from Africa Each Florine contained oz of gold and allowed wealthy Florentine merchants to become bankers 6 Medici Family largest banking family with many branches in Europe They facilitated trade and bank rolled the opulent lifestyles and wars of European rulers Profited by charging interest Christians looked down upon this Essentially ruled Florence and became the dukes of Florence in 1532 7 Lucca Silk manufacturing in Italy started in the city of Lucca which faced a lot of competition from the Chinese silk industry After the Black Death the Italian silk industry quickly grew and made 400 000 florins each year 8 Popolo a middle class started to emerge in the 12th century The skilled middle class workers were called the popolo and they formed guilds for each different job Merchant s guild 1182 9 Guilds formed by the popolo and were able to back up the middle class workers viewed a communal government where everyone would participate like a republic Guilds were put into power when the popolos took over the government completely 10 Purgatory after death people would undergo a period of torture before rising to heaven Since people wanted to reduce their time in purgatory they would do good works give charity to the needy perform the act of penance go on pilgrimages and turn to the church by buying masses in the name of someone recently deceased and endowing churches monasteries 11 Ladder of Salvation climbed to get out of purgatory into heaven Renaissance Intellectual Culture and Humanism 1 Humanism intellectual movement that defined the renaissance centered on the intense interest in the Greek and Roman world especially literature because they provided a set of moral values that would allow people to live more fulfilling lives Study of the humanities 2 Carolingian Renaissance Origins of humanisms were in the middle ages Many of the Latin works of Roman writers have survived because of Charlemagne who had the ancient texts copied and corrected 3 Twelfth Century Renaissance Humanism flourished again as Italians expanded into Spain Sicily and the Holy Land The Ancient Roman legal texts were rediscovered and they influenced the church and its laws 4 Francesco Petrarch 1304 1374 popularized humanism in Italy He felt he was living in a new age that would see the revival of Roman culture and literature After his father died he lived off of his father s inheritance learned Latin an worked to reconstruct the work of Roman authors which were handwritten and found in libraries He searched for and recovered missing works 5 Livy wrote a 142 volume history of the city of Rome from the beginning of the city to 9AD 6 Cicero lived in 1 century BC and is considered to be Rome s greatest orator and writer His letter to his friend in Vienna was rediscovered by Petrarch 7 Niccolo Niccoli 1364 1437 patron that supported humanist scholars He bought published editions of books humanists published By the time he died he had 800 books and donated them to Florence to create a library 8 Apostolic Library of the Vatican inspired by Niccoli s library the pope started to collect books for the library and supported humanists 9 Coluccio Salutati 1331 1406 became chancellor of the republic of Florence who took up Petrarch s virtue of eloquence and virtue and articulated civic humanism 10 Civic Humanism Argued that a virtuous life was one of political engagement because it was the best outlet for eloquence and virtue Civic humanists imitated Cicero and looked to his Roman Republic as the ideal form of government Gave people an enormous amount of civic pride 11 Leonardo Bruni 1370 1444 described Florence s descent from a republic He praised the city of Florence for outstanding Roman heritage and exemplified how people took up Cicero s philosophy Renaissance politics in Florence came to imitate Roman politics 12 On the Donation of Constantine humanists increasing knowledge of classical Latin noticed that manuscripts that were copied by hand had many

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