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quasi experimental design a research design in which and experimental procedure is applied but all extraneous variables are not controlled always lack random assignment of participants to groups due to lack of random assignment and lack of control of extraneous variables it is difficult to rule out alternative explanations Small N design you do not have groups hard to calculate anova inferential statistics do not work Stable baseline design Reversal Design add stimulus and then take a way Multiple baseline design like a time effect Scientific literature File drawer problem fail to reject null usually won t get published replication problem meta analysis external validity can you apply results to something else hold up Ecological Validity task and manipulations are similar to a real world study place cell double rotation example Cultural Psychology how cultural backgrounds and environment shapes the way a person thinks feels and behaves People are different usually research on western educated industrialized rich democratic for convenience Masuda and Nisbett 2001 take different individuals and show them images comparing North americans to japanese North americans fish Japanese recognize background not target fish if the background is screwed up it messed up the japanese memory Colleens rattle snakes in groups random number generator random snake males are further apart than you wold expect females are closer together Presentation Tips send in powerpoint the say before start with topic and question why this is important highlight significance broad appeal audience appeal personal appeal Methods clear and concise keep it simple use figure to detain experimental design Caution beware of colors contrast projection aversive beware of text size too much reading speaking beware of time beware of audience emergency slides progress report after meet with group

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