Chapter 10 Basics of Psychoanalysis 1 Objectives Discuss the key ideas of psychoanalysis Discuss Freud s theory of psychological Discuss Freud s idea of how the mind is development structured modern life Discuss implications for psychotherapy and 2 Freud Himself Medical doctor Left Austria when Hitler came to power Believed war proved that people are aggressive and destructive Became a psychiatrist 3 1884 1920 1939 The Study The Couch http www youtube com watch v sj2JFI4BsRQ Freud Himself Used free association Get fears into the conscious mind Influenced by his patients self analysis 7 The Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis 1 Psychic Determinism Definition everything that happens in a persons mind including everything a person thinks and does has a specific cause Free will and random accidents do not exist Contradictions of thoughts and behavior can be resolved Leads to idea of the unconscious Supported by modern reserch 8 The Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis 2 Internal Structure The mind is made of separate parts that function independently and can conflict with each other Id irrational and emotional wants what it wants when it Ego rational compromises make sense of what is going wants it on Superego moral Modern research Mind not neatly divided Do have different structure that work independently 9 The Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis 3 Psychic Conflict and Compromise The mind can conflict with itself Compromise formation The egos main job The middle ground Used in modern psychoanalytic thought 10 The Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis 4 Mental Energy Assumption that the psychological part of the mind needs energy Libido mental psychic energy The amount of energy is fixed and finite Some implications not supported by research Expression of anger catharsis capacity is limited Modern thought information processing 11 The Key Ideas of Psychoanalysis Controversy Moral do not like emphasis on sex and sexual energy Scientific theory is unscientific Personal level People do not want to be told why they really did something especially when you are correct 12 Psychoanalysis Life and Death Two fundamental motives Libido life force or sexual drive Creation projection and enjoyment of life Creativity productivity and growth Thanatos drive towards death Introduced later to account for the destructive activity such as war and the fact that everyone dies Entropy move toward randomness and disorder 13 Psychoanalysis Life and Death The doctrine of opposites Life and death happiness and sadness Extremes on any scale may be more similar to each other than either extreme is to the middle p 353 Example those who sell porn vs those who oppose porn 14 Psychological Development Focus on where the psychic energy is and how it is used Stage theory of development Aspects of each stage A B C Fixation and regression 15 16 Thinking and Consciousness Secondary Process Thinking Conscious thought Rational and practical ego Able to delay or redirect gratification Develops second less important role 17 Thinking and Consciousness Primary Process Thinking The way the unconscious mind operates id Does not contain the idea of no Goal is immediate gratification Not usually visible Can be seen in Dreams Delirium Psychotics Hypnosis freudian slips of the tounge 18 Thinking and Consciousness Three Levels of Consciousness Conscious mind Least important Some of the ego Preconscious Information that you are not currently conscious with but could become without too much work Unconscious All of the id and superego and some of the ego Most important 19 20 Psychoanalysis as a Therapy and as a Route Toward Understanding Unconscious conflicts are what make people anxious and unhappy Use clues to reveal to contents of the unconscious Clues Free association slips dreams 21 Psychoanalysis as a Therapy and as a Route Toward Understanding Resolve problems by bringing unconscious conflicts to the surface so ego can deal with them Takes time and can become painful May increase anxiety in the beginning Patients must be comforted and guided through this process Therapeutic alliance through transference 22 Psychoanalysis as a Therapy and as a Route Toward Understanding Criticisms low cure rate and length of treatment Recent research metanalysis Rather than a therapy psychoanalysis can be thought of as a tool for understanding human nature and culture Do you agree with this idea 23 Think About It If you had a psychological problem would you go to a psychoanalyst Why or why not 24 Question 1 If psychic determinism is true then a possible explanation for forgetting a person s name could be that you a have a bad memory b do not like the person c are in love with the person but don t want to admit it to yourself d both b and c 25 Question 2 During which stage of psychological development do people learn how to appropriately control their urges and what decisions are up to them or to an authority figure a oral b anal c latency d phallic 26 Question 3 According to psychoanalytic theory more important than a secondary process thought primary process is thought b unconscious thought conscious thought c the oral stage the phallic stage d work love 27
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