Crime Trends 03 02 2014 12 18 00 Data collections Uniform Crime Reports UCR o National Incident Based Reporting System NIBRS Record information on crimes reported to them Gets data from o Produced by FBI o Catalog data on the rates of crime Property crime Rapes o Gives clearance rates cases are closed and solved o Problem A lot of crime goes unreported National Crime Victimization Surveys NCVS o How many times were you victimized o Did you report them o What types of crime o Type of crime that goes unreported rape Deterred from reporting due to shame threatening etc Racial Disparities United States 750 per 100 000 o 1 in 100 in jail or prison o 1 in 31 under some form of correctional supervision o 1 in 36 Latino adults o 1 in 15 Black adults o 1 in 9 males age 20 34 Pew Center for the States Why Pg 27 30 o Terry v Ohio 1968 Terry stops Stopping people on the street without probable cause due to their race Probable Cause 51 confident or higher that someone has engaged in illegal activity Reasonable suspicion lower standard A little more than a hunch or feeling Can articulate that hunch and why they feel that way in order to engage If you criminalize people you are increasing their likeliness to Is this justice commit a crime Trends in Crime 1980 Now o Criminal Violent Property o Civil Geographic Trends o Crime concentration in southern states Changes in population o Age aged 16 24 are most crime prone High school or college Naturally you are likely to age out of crime Experimental age Very impressionable Criminalized at one age and then deterred after caught o Race o Gender o Poverty Majority of men are criminalized People in bad areas are more likely to engage in criminal behavior o Education o Unemployment o Ice cream Correlation doesn t equal causation Drug Crime Victimization Trends o Crack Cocaine linked to violent crime increase in 1980s o Most likely Black teenagers o Least likely Elderly white women o Intra racial 2 3 victims are same race as attacker o Familiarity Stranger vs Acquaintance Most crimes are committed by acquaintances POSSIBLE MIDTERM QUESTIONS What are the two primary criminal justice data collections What is the case of Terry v Ohio What are the rates of incarceration by race Which country has the highest rate of incarceration in the world Have drug possession arrests increased or decreased over the past Has the rate of property crime increased or decreased over the Has the rate of violent crime increased or decreased over the past 20 years past 20 years 20 years What is a crime hot spot Are ice cream sales correlated with homicide rates Who are most least likely to be victimized 03 02 2014 12 18 00 03 02 2014 12 18 00
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