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JOUR175 IN CLASS NOTES 10 15 13 Big data data comes from everywhere posts to social media sites pictures videos posted online online purchase records cellphone GPS signals sensors used to gather climate info etc etc Big data has four v dimensions 1 volume big data is measured in terabytes and even petabytes of info 2 velocity often time sensitive big data must be used as it is streaming in order to maximize it s value 3 variety big data extends beyond structured data as numbers to include unstructured data text audio video click streams etc 4 veracity according to IBM 1 in 3 biz leaders don t trust the info they use to make decisions big data positive impact healthcare common symptoms telecommunications torrent downloading big data problems access privacy security intellectual property restructuring of work life data visualization the representation and presentation of data that exploits our visual perception abilities in order to amplify cognition doing data visualization well is less a technology problem more a people problem nominal members of certain class countries type of bird etc type of data something that s usable efficient to use easy to learn satisfying uses gratifications theory choice architecture what you see first

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UMD JOUR 175 - Big data

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