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JOUR175 Notes 9 10 13 Media Literacy critical thinker don t blindly follow someone else s GPS question things do research be doubtful etc Print Media language of the old we tend to talk about new technologies and new platforms with the TV was first called visual radio Language can suggest how we understand choices solutions and opportunities If we call something a newspaper what are we referring to the ownership About the quality of the news The technology Media literacy helps us understand what technology means First AMERICAN newspaper ever Publick Occurences Both Foreign and Domestick Benjamin Harris was editor Only came out once because some of the information scandals shut down by colonial gov Harris left fourth side blank b c he wanted people to be able to write their own comments or news on before they passed the paper on to neighbors and friends Publick Occurences printed a story about the King of France having an affair Harris did not have royal consent to publish birth of freedom of the press John Peter Zenger NY Weekly Journal 1734 Attack on Colonial Governor William Cosby Zenger was concerned that the American judges were being kicked out b c of the king of England Zenger charged with seditious libel by Attorney general of NY who was employed by king of England Zenger s lawyers were disbarred from trying case Zenger s defense attorney Andrew Hamilton defend the cause of liberty the liberty both of exposing and opposing arbitrary power by speaking and writing truth Jury to protect defendant against abuse of government power John Zenger stood up to authority and said WHAT MATTERS IS THE TRUTH THE PRESS MUST BE ABLE TO PRINT THE TRUTH Case set basis for the Right to Freedom of Expression 1st amendment of constitution and article 19 of universal declaration of human rights Early American papers unusual in their challenges to authority Newspapers historically and commonly are conservative forces newspapers appear regularly and cannot hide from authority as businesses they have a stake in a community s stability The Partisan Press early post revolution US newspapers were vicious mouthpieces for political parties 1798 adams together with federalists who controlled congress passed alien and sedation act increased residency requirement authorized president to imprison or deport aliens restricted speech publishes of 25 anti federalist papers arrested Thomas Jefferson ended up being elected over Adams Tiffany co advertises on top of NY times everyday on page 3 of NY Times Shift to daily publication of newspapers in early 19th century Allowed up to date info needed by merchants Encourages the growth of advertising But mercantile papers were expensive at 6 cents a copy for wealthy readers only What was the new invention that allowed Benj Day in 1833 to sell The Sun for only a penny stem engines printing press Technology changed who could afford newspapers Technology changed news content Technology changed nature of American politics fostering of democracy Steam power technology changed how The Sun could reach readers 1846 The creation of the Associated Press creation of telegraph telegram

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UMD JOUR 175 - Media Literacy

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