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1 The Great Tradition 1 st lecture HIST 1003 Professor Hoffman Tuesday August 21 2012 Themes of this Course The Larger Context Three Meta narratives 1 Secularization 2 Rise of Modernity or Modernization 3 Globalization and its Discontents 1 Secularization of the elite culture Indirect in Era of Religious Controversy Direct in Scientific Revolution Direct in 17th Century Political Crisis Direct in the Enlightenment 2 The Development of Modernity The Enlightenment and Enlightened States The French Revolution and the Nation State Classic Liberalism and other isms The Industrial Revolution The Demographic and Urban Revolutions 3 Globalization Formation of the Eurocentric World System Second Empires post 1850 2 World Wars and the end of the Eurocentric World System WTO the Internet and other game changers Resistance Fundamentalisms and others Key for PowerPoint slides RED SECULARIZATION WHITE MODERNIZATION YELLOW GLOBAL The Larger Context Topical approaches Political Transition in Europe from traditional agricultural societies imperial societies Global Traditional AG society led by warrior elites and priests A few imperial societies that were unusually aggressive and expansive Imperial motives also true of traditional societies A Gain of human and natural resources B Status Perform elite values against real human and spiritual enemies C Carry a True Religion to unbelievers Note Commoners have opportunities in the contested spaces of imperial expansion A few examples include Castile Ottoman Turks Aztecs Incas Mali and China Economic change from still under Globalization Local often in kind economies with limited market connections and long distance trade TO formation of the Eurocentric World System and mostly Atlantic Empires TO the Emergence of global markets and the Polycentric World Market System All Globalization Social Change S secularization M modernization Limited life expectancy and experiences Falling death rate M More cheaper goods S M Urbanization S M Voluntary associations S M 3 Secular individualism S M Intellectual Ideological Change Break up of the religious unity of the West S Crisis of ancient and other authorities S Emergence of the scientific method S M Enlightenment Reason and Classic Liberalism S M Nationalism and its variants S M Other Isms that promise salvation S M Totalitarianism S M Relativism S Artistic Change Religious Art for instruction S Renaissance perspective and realism M Influence of Classicism 18th 19th centuries S Impressionism ca 1850 1890 S M Influence of non Western Aesthetics S M G Abstract Art 1890 S M PERSIA A useful tool REVIEW PERSIA Political Economic Religious Social Intellectual Artistic 3 Meta narratives 6 topical headings PERSIA 4 August 23 2012 How did the Great Tradition come to include Various forms of Christianity An early form of religious toleration Secularization P R I from PERSIA The Era of Religious Controversy 1570 1648 Background Was the Western Christian Church Unified Moves toward a secular world view even in the midst of a religious A A Parish and regular Clergy were within single institution hierarchy of offices with the Pope at the top Parallel institutions B B Sacraments ceremonies were basically the same across Western Europe but there were various THEOLOGICAL traditions esp among the regular clergy C C Certain Beliefs were widely but not universally held among Christians Clergy and I I Commonly Held Beliefs a a Providentialism The belief that nothing happens by accident Lay i ii grace JC even God b c e f Evil and natural and other disasters are the result of human actions sin and the latter are signs of Divine Wrath punishing those actions Jonah and the Whale Good things are due to the intervention of the Saints etc and God s general d b Contractualism The belief that you can make deals with the saints the Blessed Virgin Imitation of Christ Seen as the highest form of spiritual form of spiritual and daily life c for Clergy and Lay Vows of poverty etc d Fragments of folk belief in animalistic and other spiritual forces in nature the Enchanted world Like Druids and Norse mythology etc Spirit and matter mix g e Simplified Model of Late Medieval Road to Salvation Redemption through purgatory or indulgences Allows you to skip purgatory Had a systematic set up for prayer Had to buy a bowl of the Holy Crusade for the Indulgence to work 5 a II Background b a The Church s Authority was questioned 12 things in the text including i i Clergy as demanding Landlords ii ii Criticism if clerical life styles esp regulars iii iii Theological Disagreements Thomists Platonists Nominalists Humanists Heretics Thomists from Saint Thomas Aquinas 3 w philosophical origins and Heretics had values that differed from all the others 1 1 Authority willing obedience to a person or institution recognized as having the right to rule c b The Elites were concerned about the behavior of the urban poor d III Two Currents of Reform e a Popular Movements Seek i i Greater personal spiritual life ii ii Outward moral behavior 10 commandments and local custom Civic Behavior iii iv iii iv Works of charity Less concerned with sacraments v v Sometimes aided by Clergy vi vi Institutional Church sometimes opposes vii vii Brethren of the Common Life viii viii Confraternities taking care of others i e proper burial ix ix Observant Movements among Monastic Orders related x x Heretics such as Jan Hus John Wycliffe Jan Hus is from Bohemia and John Wycliffe is from England xi xi Note Strongest in towns NW Europe and N Italy 6 Aims society power III Reform of the Institutional Church Text 12 complaints about the Clergy etc Remove abuse of Canon Law Restore enhance the position of the male Clergy and hierarchy i e the institution in society Supported by elites who also want to reinforce male dominance in a hierarchical Conciliar Movement 14th 15th centuries Popular pressure against Clergy not living the Imitation of Christ Further development of the Behavioral contractual sacramental system Maintain Mutual criticism among clerical groups observant movements Two Pieties Sacramental pilgrim monastic life contractual piety Inner Mysticism or Reform movements observants Modern Devotion Heretics Confraternities PICTURE ON MOODLE i IV Martin Luther b a Biography of a Radical i i Vow to St Anne Contractualism after ask St Anne to help him get home safely out of the lightning Became and Augustine monk He latches on to a basic principle of Augustinian monks truth ii ii Eliminate

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