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STUDY GUIDE FOR NUTR 23511 EXAM 1 Know and Understand the Functions of Enrichment fortification Enrichment is the Replacement of thiamin riboflavin niacin iron and folate lost when grains are refined All refined grain products must be enriched Fortification is the addition of one or more vitamin any food can be fortified An example would be oj with calcium Food Additives Food colorants and preservatives can lead to hyperactivity short attention spans and impulsiveness There are more than 3000 food additives on labels COOL Rule the country where the food is originally created must have a label on it saying where it is from This helps prevent food Bourne illness MyPlate Pros It is easy for children and adults to understand with the colorful plates It stresses fruits and vegetables which Americans do not eat enough of Presents well balanced meals Cons of my plate It doesn t address the needs of people with diabetes or with other diseases Nutrition Label Standards food containing more than one ingredient must contain a nutrition facts panel Also it must have specific details National Health Nutrition Examination Survey NHANES Healthy People 2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 Food irradiation a process done to food that kills bacteria dirt mold and other microorganisms Does not make food radioactive Unsaturated fats Fats obtained through plants such as vegetable oils Nutrient dense empty calorie energy dense Nutrient dense foods contain high nutritional value with low calories Empty calories contain high calories and energy but no nutritional value Energy dense foods are high in energy and weight and low in nutritional value Diabetes hypertension stroke disease Inflammation The body s first response in its immune system to harmful toxins and infectious agents Free radicals oxidative stress Chemical substances often oxygen based that are missing electrons This makes them prone to oxidizing which is the loss of electrons to nearby molecules This can damage lipids proteins cells and tissues by altering their chemical structure and function Oxidative stress is when cells are constantly around oxidizing molecules rather than antioxidant molecules that neutralize them Constant exposure to oxidizing molecules can cause heart disease diabetes and cancer Low sodium Food security insecurity terrorism Food security is the access at all time to foods to obtain a healthy diet Food insecurity is the limited or uncertain amount of nutritious food one will have Think of a third world country What are the macro nutrients group name for the energy yielding nutrients containing carbohydrates proteins and fats Needed for large amount of our daily diet Calculate the conversion of lbs to kg or kg to lbs the conversion factor is 2 2 Calculate calories of food item or beverage The amount of calories per grams of carbohydrate protein and fats 4 in carbs 4 in proteins 9 in fats and 7 in alc Malnutrition A insufficient amount of food and or water consumed by humans This has more severe causes to young children Growth deficiency and mental retardation Some people may never fully recover from this What can WE control regarding health our every day diet and activity level Diet in relations to chronic illnesses Diets high in animal fats can result in heart disease Diets low in vegetable intake can result in cancer Diets low in calcium and vitamin D can result in osteoporosis Diets high in sugar can result in tooth decay Adequate fluid intake is Discussed in class that adequate fluid consumption is 11 15c per day Transfats Are fats that are typically found in hydrogentated oils margarine shortening and pasteries To much consumption of transfats can result in heart disease 100 Organic Organic etc If foods are legit organic they have the USDA approval stamp on it If a food is 100 percent organic it is labeled 100 organic If it just says organic it is 95 organic If it says made with organic ingredients it is 70 organic If it says made with some organic ingredients it is less than 70 organic Saturated Fats Fats that are typically found in animal products such as meat cheese and butters Diets high in saturated fats may elevate cholesterol levels Solid at room temp Cholesterol fat soluble colorless liquid primarily found in animals GRAS Generally recognized as safe foods This exempted regular every day foods from being called food additives RDA recommended dietary amounts This is based on age gender and other situations like pregnancy Antioxidants Chemical substances that prevent or repair damaged cells that are affected by oxidizing agents such as pollutants smoke and ozone Vitamins C and E act as different types of antioxidants Phytochemicals Chemical substances in plants that import functions into the human body They enable plants to grow and protect themselves Some are antioxidants Nonessential essential nutrients Non essential nutrients are nutrients that the body can produce sufficiently already on its own Essential nutrients are nutrients that the body needs and are obtained through a healthy diet Conversion of grams ounces 1kg 2 2lbs 28g 1oz 16oz 1lb Tolerable Upper Intake Levels Recommended safe upper level intakes of nutrients to prevent toxicity AMDR Acceptable macro nutrients ranges This is the acceptable guidelines for macro nutrient intake total intake of sugars and fatty acids Reduce saturated and trans fats as much as possible

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KSU NUTR 23511 - EXAM 1

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