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Exam 2 Thursday 3 6 in class The exam will consist of 25 multiple choice questions 2 pts each 50 pts 15 points short answer 10 points short essays Total 75 points Pay close attention to recommendations regarding research methodology or the pros and cons of various approaches discussed in class This is what you need to know for the exam 2 27 14 2 27 14 Know why we would be interested in assessing daily life experiences It is more true to life than other methods Can be more directly studied than the role of situations in individual functioning Procides a solution to memory bias problems o Recalling your day vrs remembering 6 months ago Be able to define experience sampling methods and describe the three types Participants respond to repeated assessments at moments over the course of time while in natural settings Used to be with beepers and paper and pencil surveys now done with PDAS phones tablets web surveys etc Interval contingent Event contingent o Participants complete reports after set time intervals o Participants complete reports after specific events After minor or major events i e a fight they may not fill out surveys Signal contingent sampling o Participants complete reports when randomly prompted to do so I e adolescents were given a beeper and it went off randomly they found that adolescence really aren t that moody Know the advantages disadvantages of ESM including reactivity Advantages o Contingencies between events and experiences can be studied directly o Ecological validity more true to life o Can study variations within a person not just between people Beep throughout day can study that person and compare within a person instead of just comparing people o Reduces memory bias o Can use it with other methods for triangulation Disadvantages o It s expensive o It is a high partipcat burden which means theres a bias sampling of who signs up you have to drop everything and complete suvery and selective attrition people stop partipating o Provides littile information about brief or uncommon events o Reactivity being in the study may change partipatns responses similar to practice effects More intuned to moods Very instructive on ones life High School students are the easiest because it s cool to have a PDA and they are on a constant schedule Kahneman et al 2004 know what their day reconstruction method is and its advantages over ESM A respondent is asked to recount all activities in the previous day They answer questions about each episode and their feelings during the activity o I e playing with their kids More efficient than ESM o Less of a burden on the respondent o Less disruptive o Provides information about a whole day and time budgeting

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OSU HDFS 2900 - Exam 2

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