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CAS 100A PENN STATE UNIVERSITY INSTRUCTOR DAVID J WEINERT JOHNSTONE DISCUSSION QUESTIONS CHAPTER S 7 8 9 PERSUASIVE DISCOURSE ARGUING FOR PROPOSALS 1 Complete the following quote from Johnstone Whereas informative discourse aims at producing understanding about a topic persuasion 2 Johnstone discusses Maslow s Hierarchy of Needs Without being too philosophical why is it important for a speaker to be aware of this prior to doing a speech in choosing a topic the speaker needs to know where the audience sits on the hierarchy of needs in order to know if the topic is appropriate for the audience you wouldn t try to persuade an audience of college kids to buy a Mercedes because they don t have the 3 The author of our textbook notes four propositions that should be addressed by a speaker when considering main ideas for the body of the speech List and briefly explain them if x action your solution would produce x will be expedient something that can be done within a reasonable amount of time x will be fair morally sound x is better than the alternatives 4 In your own words what is reasoning Now explain inductive and deductive arguments and provide examples of each 5 When considering how we design messages for speeches distinguish between the claim s and the argument s More specifically where would I find these in an individual speech How does warrant work with claim and argument where your claim is your thesis 6 Describe in brief how the three principle components of rhetorical proof claim evidence reasoning work together 7 Provide some examples of how signposting can facilitate reasoning first second third next etc 8 Johnstone talks about how the term persuasion can sometimes be misunderstood Explain Hint Strengthen or weaken commitment 9 Compare and contrast audience denial and dismissal denial when the audience member refuses to accept the claim or evidence even though it may be valid nay sayer dismissal where one disputes because it doesn t apply to them individually 10 Name two distinct strategies for Motivational Speeches 11 Some public speaking experts talk about identification and identifying with an audience Why is this important for a speaker to employ Provide an example of how the instructor has done the same with the class this semester 12 Let us now discuss the Problem Solution and the Motivated Sequence Both are considered organizational patterns for persuasive speaking The first you will use for the Policy Speech and latter for your Motivational Speech You will need the Speech 2 handout and the Motivated Sequence handouts from the ANGEL website for this discussion

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