Cultures Contexts Political Empires NNNN oooo tttt eeee bbbb oooo oooo kkkk CCCCrrrreeee aaaatttt eeee dddd TTTT aaaagggg ssss yeaeun94 s notebook 1 31 2013 9 32 AM Contexts Cultures Empires Rome Roman Empire Rome at the Height of Rule 116 CE UUUU pppp dddd aaaatttt eeee dddd 2 7 2013 9 30 AM Important notes Rome located on a peninsula located in the middle of the empire People in Rome therefore have an advantage Persian empire located to the east Two Ways of Ruling Rome Republic vs Roman legionnaires first start off by taking over more tribal states Rome was an empire with small kingdoms and many kings Res Publica a public thing becomes the origin of the word Republic How do you actually run the state when the public must actively participate Magistrates Had several for checks and balances Consoles Imperium Power to Impose Power of Life and Death in a Judicial and Military Sense Senators Praetors Pro consuls Pro praetors Patricians Plebians Tribunes Nobles Nobilitas War against Carthage Won and gained Siciliy Sardinia Cornica 200 s BC Hannibal 247 143 BC invades and kills 70 000 soldiers and 1 4 1 3 Roman Senators Rome engages soldiers and pushes back Hannibal back through Gaul France and Spain to Carthage in Africa Scipio Africanus eventually defeats Hannibal Rome takes over Carthage Roman Empire starts to become more complicated and the stakes are becoming high Julius Caesar Very successful general had charisma loyal soldiers 44 BCE Assassinated by Senator Citizenship was exclusive and non Romans now can become a citizen The expansion differentiated because it was institutional Alexander the Great s empire was larger but only lasted from 334 323 BCE Culture was very important to the Roman influence architecture technology art Governor
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