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UUUU pppp dddd aaaatttt eeee dddd 2 5 2013 10 46 AM Cultures Contexts Political Empires yeaeun94 s notebook 2 5 2013 9 24 AM NNNN oooo tttt eeee bbbb oooo oooo kkkk CCCCrrrreeee aaaatttt eeee dddd TTTT aaaagggg ssss UUUU RRRRLLLL file Contexts Cultures Empires Rome Rome How it Worked 1 Julius Caesar and the Political Economy of Roman Empire 2 The Emperor as a Ruling Institution 3 Material Life of Empire 4 Culture Life of Empire 5 The New Politics of Late Empire and their consequences Julius Caesar Very practical strategic Thinks through number of troops supplies the opponent etc Work through native elites keeping allies loyal Spectacularly Brutal to the defeated enemy violent however also used more complicated and practical methods too ie sends Helvations back to homeland but it s burnt down to prevent organization and another uprising He tells the neighboring tribe to supply the people with grain and tells them to rebuild the land back themselves This creates a buffer zone Power was often held in one person the Romans knew of this danger Electing term limits multiple consoles new courts institutional limitations to personal power The Emperor as a Ruling Institution Julius Caesar 44 BCE named Dictator for Life and named a god When Caesar was assassinated this led to a series of wars Romance between Anthony and Cleopatra Anthony gave land to Cleopatra which led to 15 yrs of war but ultimately gave rise to hereditary monarchs Augustus Octavian adopted son of Julius Caesar grandson of sister Imperium maius Tribunicia potestas Lex de imperio Patrimonium Pater Paterfamilias The emperor is the king of kings over the subordinates He is the final legal authority over all Empire and Law is not mutually exclusive they worked together There was no rule to succession Eventually the senate decided Securing Economy specializes in a specific industry Securing Loyalty esp since the empire was so large 200 000 tons of wheat feeds Roman soldiers 1 2 million people Ration Average of 2 lbs wheat 1 5 lbs meat 1 2 c vegetable oil wine were provided to each soldier Taxation was key to sustaining the enormous empire inheritance slaves imports exports etc The empire had to remain big to survive Culture helps sustain the empire and the power art law education architecture etc Local customs were not forcefully changed or convert to Roman beliefs but the Roman culture was rather added on there was no civilizing mission Diversity ordered by Imperial Power Greg Woolf The key was to implement Roman influences in addition not in place of Border system public baths amphitheaters sewage system etc Use of concrete more details triumphal arch to celebrate Roman victories public baths needed elaborate water systems aqueducts steam room bath rooms conversing room Colosseum chariot racing gladiators were popular people sat inside according to social status Roman Law not about equality main idea was to revision of law to limit abuse of power Romans created legal professions allowing people to make interpretation of the law major human innovation Law based on reason Law is universally valid Law is connected to organized power Roman Education Paideia Greek idea of education Humanitas Roman interpretation meaning civilized behavior Barbarians uncivilized people Roman Religion Eclectic about religion Many Gods transformed over time Ultimately resulted in monotheism Christianity Citizenship to extend citizenship outside Rome creating a hierarchy of people Why did Rome Fail How rich can it get without attracting outside attention Was the implementation of Christianity the beginning of the downfall After 500 yrs the empire began to shrink because civil wars desertion of loyalists retreat of Roman elites ambition of outsiders to enter Rome

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NYU MAP 552 - Julius Caesar

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