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Media and Psych Cultivation theory 11 19 2013 o Continuous long term exposure to television has smack but measurable effects on the way we perceive the world Media has authority Parasocial interactions Agenda setting Pseudosymmetry o Technique o the false impression you get that science is divided on some issue Even if one side of the story is completely impossible Present wild claims as news Include one or two experts One that endorses the claim and another that refutes it Pdeudosymmetry encourages a belief Biases o Perception of risk what we recall when we evaluate risk is determined by what comes to mind Media selects what we see Vivid and unusual events The media paradox the more we rely on the media to inform us the less accurate our perception of risk will be Vividness o Emotional concrete personal Applications in the Evening News o Taking to the man on the street about some news item o Standing next to an overpass in a blizzard to report the weather o Filming in front of the courthouse to report a jury verdict The east with which we recall the likeliness of things to happen 11 19 2013 11 19 2013

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OSU PSYCH 2301 - Cultivation theory

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