Gero Exam Two Study Guide Instrumental Support Tangible aid Ex Helping around the house Emotional Support Relationship qualities such as caring companionship and advice Claire has a very tight relationship with her spouse and children she often goes out with the women she works and considers them her closest friends Claire makes a regular 6 month check up to the dentist however she would not consider him a close person in her life The relationships Claire is explaining are an example of Social Convoy These networks tend to be larger and this gender receives more support but also more burdens Social Networks of Women These networks tend to be smaller and their spouse is often their primary confidant People who identify with this network tend to receive less support from their friends Social Networks of Men What is Carstensen s Socioemotional Selectivity Theory This theory states that adults actively select their social networks They maintain the rewarding relationships and discard the problematic ones I am a single woman who is inquiring more knowledge about the social world I often use my knowledge to determine what career path I should pursue as well as potential spouses What am I displaying an example of Knowledge focused goals When I am trying to regulate my emotions and maintain my intimate life I channel which goals Emotion focused Angela s husband is 97 years old He has been battling cancer for the past 10 years and has not been himself His condition is worsening and Angela has already prepared for the time when he will pass She has already grieved his loss because she feels it will be easier to deal with once he is gone and done suffering Angela is displaying what Anticipatory Grief After experiencing the loss of a spouse who has the higher risk of illness or death MEN Who is more likely to experience widowhood WOMEN The loss of a vital relationship is known as Bereavement Respite is rest or relief from something difficult such as caregiving What are examples of ways that people seek respite from their caregiving duties Grocery shopping getting hair done going to work Daughters when caregiving tend to be more Hands on bathing clothing Sons when caregiving tend to Handle financial needs help with transportation and doing chores around the house Next in line after a spouse to become a caregiver would most likely be A female daughter Most women share that they divorce for two reasons These reasons are Lack of emotional closeness and poor communication Men state that they are more likely to divorce because of what Lack of same interests and activities John and Kate have just ushered their last of four children out of the house and into college Now that they are the only two living in the house without their children they are experiencing Empty Nest Empty nest is not a negative thing Most parents view this as a happy time because they have their freedom back and more opportunity to do anything they might have not been able to in the past In late adult hood marital satisfaction tends to PEAK What are boomerang children Children who move out of the house and then end up moving back in after being gone for a while Marie and George are 67 years old and have taken in their three grandchildren because their son in law died and their daughter went to prison for armed robbery Marie and George both had just retired and were starting a new chapter in their lives However now they are taking on the role of parenting three young children again What is the term used to describe grandparents in this situation Custodial Grandparents What fraction of people become grandparents by age 65 3 4
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