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Brain o Studied from bottom up o Most evolutionary ancient structures at bottom present in primitive animals and perform basic functions o Hindbrain midbrain Brainstem thalamus Descriptor of hindbrain and midbrain minus cerebellum and including Old in evolutionary term Injury to these areas death Injury to higher areas of forebrains life is difficult not impossible Basic survival functions o Breathing swallowing urinating o Cerebellum Involved in balance coordination and Controls movement primarily thru coordination of sensory inputs Loss of balance is a problem with visual spatial perception not motor skills o Drinking too much o Not that you legs move but where your legs needs to go o Forebrain Seat of Though Emotion Personality Emory Intelligence Language Consciousness self awareness Divided into 2 symmetrical cerebral hemispheres Each receives info from and conveys info to the opposite side of body Corpus calloosum bundle of neurons allows right hemisphere to communicate with left Consists of just know basic function Limbic system o Regulates emotions o Helps with formation of memoires o Regulates sleep wake cycle Hypothalamus Helps control production of horomones Manages life sustaining drives hunger thirst Helps to regulate sexual and aggressive sleep impulses 4 f s o Fighting o Fleeing o Feeding o fornicating Thalamus Hippocampus Amygdala gateway All sensory info must pass thru thalamus before being relayed to the cerebral cortex Involved in formation of episodic memories memories associated with personal experience not facts o Personal experieces hs graduation first pet etc Hippocampal damage creates anterograde amnesia inability to form new memories o Living in the past Plays important role in helping to remember fear inducing situations Humans with anxiety may have hyperentensive Creates understanding of ones own emotions and emotion of others Damage inability to recognize and interpret your emotions o respond to situtions with appropriate emotions Important for forming emotionally charged memories fear disgust Thalamus Cerebral cortex o Frontal Involved with deliberate body movements Commands sent to muscles and joints Contains the prefrontal cortex Not fully developed in adolescents Associated with difficulties in deision making and self control Continues to mature into 20s Responsible for rational activity Appropriate social behavior attention decision making personality executive functioning o Occipital o Parietal Primary visual processing center in brain Processes sensations of heat cold pain touch Informs us about position of body in space Each hemisphere receives info from opposite side of body Damage to one hemisphere hemineglect Don t even pay attention to one whole side of Not drawing left side of daisy makeup on one body half of face o Temporal o Cocain rewires brain overrides decision making after just one use o Seek cocoaine over food after just once o Growth of new dendritic spines o Rewired brain to seek cocaine

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UA CH 101 - Brain

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