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Classification of element o Metals metalloid non metal o Group 1 alkali metals o Group 2 o Group 3 12 o Group 16 alkaline earths transition metals chalcogen o Group 17 o Group 18 Halogens Nobel gases Metalloids o Show some properties of metals and some of nonmetals o Silicon properties Shiny Conducts electricity Does not conduct heat well brittle Metals o Solids at room temp except hg o Reflective surface Shiny o Conduct heat o Conduct electricity o Malleable Can be shaped o Ductile Non metals o Found in all 3 states o Poor conductor of heat o Poor conductors of electricity o Solids are brittle o Gain electrons in reactions to become anions o Upper right on table Except h The atomic mass o Memorize formula for exam o o Carbon has mass of 12 01 amu Whats mass of 4 5 mol of carbon atoms The mole o 1 mol 6 022 x 10 23 things o Avogadros number o Standard way of counting atoms and molecules 3moles of atoms 1 806x10 24 atoms of hydrogen 1 mole of water 18 grams Clickers o How many atoms in 4 5 mol of carbon 42g 54g 12g 17g 2 7 x 10 24 5 3 x 10 23 6 02 x 10 23 4 5

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UA CH 101 - Classification of Element

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