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Rachel Jermansky February 11 2014 Sex Relationships and Communication COMM 1131 01 CRN 36714 Page Number 1 Page Number 1 Chapter Five Erotic and Disgust Erotic Comes from term love eros Typical notions of erotic o Sexual experience that is highly arousing in a sense beyond the norm o Possibly tabooed Society s view of erotic vs Lourde s view of erotic Deriving from the feminine Women hold control ball is in the woman s court Pornography results in abuse of feelings while eroticism is acknowledging them and sharing them Society s Erotic vilified tradition Lourde s Erotic o Women and erotic confused trivial psychotic plasticized sensation abused o Feared by society racist patriarchal anti erotic European American male o Pornography suppression of true feeling sensation without feeling o 1 Source of power society wants to negate because it becomes a catalyst for change replenishing provocative force o 2 Suppressed o 3 Depth of feeling emotions and how you feel non rational not thinking and logic o 4 Measure between self strongest feelings o 5 Makes life rich demands a way of life from ourselves excellence makes us want to be excellent responsibility to self o 6 Women so empowered are dangerous o 7 Erotic is both spiritual and political o 8 Function has to deal with joy and pleasure 1 Sharing joy bridge lessens the threat of difference 2 Open fearless capacity for joy possibility as women we need to examine how our world is truly different Lourde Go with your passions to change the world o 9 Feared relegated to bedroom Lourde wants it beyond the bedroom as well Page Number 2 o 10 Empowers us to apply the erotic to every aspect of our lives to not live conventional lives o 11 Grave responsibility live from within o 12 Benefits Less resignation Less self despair o 13 Share deeply o 14 To refuse consciousness of our feelings is reducing ourselves o 15 Can t experience second hand no mediated experience pornography

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