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Rachel Jermansky January 7 2014 First Class Sex Relationships and Communication COMM 1131 01 CRN 36714 Page Number 1 Personal Identity Statement Hi my name is Rachel Jermansky I m a senior graduating in the spring I m from Brooklyn New York and I was on co op there last semester I m a comm major with a business minor and I want to work in public relations after graduating I love sports I m a Yankees and Giants fan I love traveling but I haven t really traveled far I do want to visit parts of Europe and Asia one day I have a cat at home and she is fat and mad I left her I also have one younger sister and I m in at sorority at NEU AEPhi I m Chinese and Jewish and speak Chinese My favorite movie is Mean Girls Identity Themes Sexual identity gay boy girlfriends Feminist Background origins Who you are vs what you do Personalities vs job hobbies Family role sibling parent son daughter pets Age grade major Religion Oddness dis likes Hobbies passion

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NU COMM 1131 - Sex, Relationships, and Communication

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