Helene Daage Ch 7 Map 6 21 12 endocytosis phagocytosis pinocytosis macronutrients nutrients essential micronutrients trace elements 7 1 Microbial nutrition Carbon source sources of essential nutrients energy source growth factors microbial nutritional strategies autotroph heterotroph movement of molecules diffusion active transport simple diffusion facilitated diffusion oxygen source nitrogen source osmosis isotonic hypertonic hypotonic parasitic microorganism obligate intracellular parasites pathogens obligate parasites lithoautotroph chemoautotroph photoautotroph chemoheterotroph saprobic microorganisms aerobic respiration fermentaion obligate saprobe opportunistic pathogen facultative parasite 7 2 Environmental factors Temperature adaptions gas requirements other factors osmotic pressure barophile xerophile halophile osmophile mesophile thermophile capnophiles psychrophile effects of pH aerobe facultative anaerobe microbes process Oxygen acidophiles alkalinophiles neutrophiles anaerobe direct cell count methods of analyzing population growth coulter counter 7 3 Microbial growth bacteria reproduction generation exponential asexual process binary ssion measuring cell components bacteria growth curve lag phase exponential growth phase stationary phase death phase microaerophile aerotolerant anaerobe spectrophotometer ow cytometer
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