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95 Confidence Interval Behaviorism Biopsychologist Blind Observer Observer Burden of Proof Case History Clinical Psychologist Clinical Social Worker Cognition Cognitive Psychologist Comparative Psychologist Control Group Convenience Sample Correlation range within which the true population mean lies with 95 certainty field of psychology that concentrates on observable measurable behaviors and not on mental processes specialist who tries to explain behavior in terms of biological factors such as electrical and chemical activities in the nervous system the effects of drugs and hormones genetics and evolutionary pressures who can record data without knowing what the researcher has predicted obligation to present evidence to support one s claim thorough description of a single individual including information on both past experiences and current behavior someone with an advanced degree in psychology with a specialty in understanding and helping people with psychological problems person with a degree in social work instead of psychology who helps people with psychological problems in ways similar to those of a clinical psychologist processes of thinking gaining knowledge and dealing with knowledge specialist who studies thought processes and the acquisition of knowledge specialist who compares different animal species group treated in the same way as the experimental group except for the procedure that the experiment is designed to test group chosen because of its ease of study measure of the relationship between two variables which are both Correlation Coefficient Correlational Study Counseling Psychologist Cross Cultural Psychologist Cross Cultural Samples Deduction Demand Characteristics Dependent Variable Descriptive Statistics Determinism Developmental Psychologist Double Blind Study Dualism Ergonomist outside the investigator s control mathematical estimate of the relationship between two variables ranging from 1 perfect positive relationship to 0 no linear relationship to 1 perfect negative relationship procedure in which investigators measure the correlation between two variables without controlling either of them someone trained to help people with educational vocational marriage health related and other decisions a psychologist who compares the behavior of people from different cultures groups of people from at least two cultures process of deriving a conclusion from premises already accepted cues that tell a subject what is expected of him or her and what the experimenter hopes to find item that an experimenter measures to determine how changes in the independent variable affect it mathematical summaries of results such as measures of the average and the amount of variation assumption that all behavior has a cause or determinant in the observable world specialist who studies the behavioral capacities of different ages and how behavior changes with age study in which neither the observer nor the subjects know which subjects received which treatment view that the mind is separate from the brain psychologist with engineering skills who works to facilitate the operation of machinery so that the average person can use it as efficiently and as safely as possible Evolutionary Psychologist Experimental Group Experimenter Bias Experiments Extrasensory Perception ESP Falsifiable Forensic Psychologist Free Will Functionalism Hypothesis Illusory Correlation Independent Variable Induction one who tries to explain behavior in terms of the evolutionary history of the species including reasons evolution might have favored a tendency to act in particular ways group that receives the treatment that an experiment is designed to test tendency of an experimenter to unintentionally distort procedures or results based on the experimenter s own expectations of the outcome of the study studies in which the investigator manipulates at least one variable while measuring at least one other variable alleged ability of certain people to acquire information without using any sense organ and without receiving any form of physical energy making sufficiently precise predictions that we can at least imagine evidence that would contradict the theory if anyone had obtained such evidence one who provides advice and consultation to police lawyers courts or other parts of the criminal justice system doctrine that behavior is caused by a person s independent decisions not by external determinants attempt to understand how mental processes produce useful behaviors clear predictive statement apparent relationship based on casual observations of unrelated or weakly related events in an experiment the item that an experimenter manipulates to determine how it affects the dependent variable process of inferring a general principle from observations Industrial organizational I O psychology Inferential Statistics Informed Consent Introspection Learning and Motivation Mean Median Meta analysis Mind Brain Problem Mode Monism Naturalistic Observation Nature Nurture Issue Normal Distribution Curve Operational Definition Parsimony psychological study of people at work statements about large populations based on inferences from small samples subject s agreement to take part in an experiment after being told what to expect looking within oneself study of how behavior depends on the outcomes of past behaviors and on current motivations sum of all the scores reported in a study divided by the total number of scores middle score in a list of scores arranged from highest to lowest method of taking the results of many experiments weighting each one in proportion to the number of participants and determining the overall average effect philosophical question of how the conscious mind is related to the physical nervous system including the brain score that occurs most frequently in a distribution of scores view that consciousness is inseparable from the physical brain careful examination of what many people or nonhuman animals do under natural conditions question of the relative roles played by heredity nature and environment nurture in determining differences in behavior symmetrical frequency of scores clustered around the mean definition that specifies the operations or procedures used to produce or measure something a way to give it a numerical value literally stinginess scientists preference for the theory that explains the results using the Placebo Population Psychiatry Psychoanalyst Psychology Psychophysical Function Random

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