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BIG DATA Affinity grouping undirect knowledge discoveries Association detection finding out something that then leads to other discoveries associations Big Data big groups of data that are difficult to read through Business intelligence BI set of theories and technologies that turn raw data into meaningful information Three steps Collect data Discern patterns and meaning in information Respond and act Cluster analysis grouping objects data in similar groups to make analysis easier part of data mining Data raw facts figures Data mining discovering patterns in large data sets Data mining tools and approaches queries reports and statistical analysis Estimation Forecasts using data to make estimations Information data presented in context to support decision making Knowledge information manager s insight and experience Market basket analysis analysis used by retailers to learn about purchase behavior of customers part of data mining Statistical analysis correlations distributions part of data mining MOORES LAW Volatile Memory memory that only works when the power is turned on Random Access Memory very fast chip based volatile storage in a computer Non Volatile Memory storage that retains data even after power has been shut down flash memory read write CD s Read Only Memory ROM non volatile memory that can only be read Read only CD s Like a pdf file Microprocessor Central Processing Unit CPU responsible for performing all operations of computer Arithmetic Logic Unit math logical functions Control Unit program instructions decode instructions Supercomputers computers that are among fastest in world at their time of introduction Massively Parallel many microprocessors working together to solve problem On demand computing model in which computing resources are made available as needed Moore s Law processing performance of transistors on chips will double every 18 months Multi core Microprocessors single computing component with two or more CPUs most new computers and laptops have multi core Can run older software written for single brain chips E Waste discarded electronic devices typically just sits around in landfills or is shipped overseas When e waste just sits around it sends off dangerous toxins into the air and can be deadly Moore s Law means faster and newer technology meaning more e waste from the old systems DISRUPTIVE TECHNOLOGY Disruptive Technologies new technology that displaces an already existing technology Rapidly advancing and experiencing improvements Broad potential scope of impact Significant economic value Disruptive economic impact Mobile Internet cloud technology advanced robotics 3D printing INTERNET AND TELECOMMUNICATIONS Network network that allows computers to exchange data typically through Internet Internet is a network of networks Load Distribution distributes computing workload across multiple systems Fault Tolerant network systems capable of operating even if path fails Internet Service Provider ISP business organization that offers users access to Internet Verizon Comcast UMD Address just like in real life data moves from computer to computer via the specific IP address sequence of numbers We understand web addresses better than IP addresses Uniform Resource Locater web address Domain Name Service DNS translates domain names into IP addresses Every system linked up to Internet gets IP address DNS then maps URL domain name combinations to the IP Web Address see URL http www nytimes com tech index html Path indicates location and folder where file is stored File Name name of file you re looking for Application transfer protocol http Host name www Domain name nytimes com Path tech File index To find IP address computer sends message to DNS which then looks up IP address We re running out of IP addresses new scheme will add letters in addition to numbers Traceroute we watched how long packed of information took to transfer to different locations Voice Over IP VoIP method for transfer of voice communications such as Skype Comcast voice etc over the Internet Download website computer Upload computer website Virtual Private Network VPN extends private network across a public network by establishing point to point connection called a tunnel has appearance of a private network UNDERSTANDING SOFTWARE Computer Program plan for programming of mechanism sequence of coded instructions Software set of instructions that tell hardware what to do like a recipe Written in programming language Layers BUASOSH Business users application software operating system hardware Operating System collection of software that manages computer hardware and provides services for programmers iOS7 Application Software software that enables computer to perform useful tasks beyond the running of it Business Intelligence Desktop Software applications installed on personal computer Server Software software that runs across the network that serves up the end user who is using client software at desktop Enterprise Software applications that address needs of multiple users throughout organization Software Package product offered commercially by a 3rd party Enterprise Resource Planning ERP package that integrates many functions accounting finance inventory HR Supports value chain Inbound logistics operations outbound logistics marketing sales service Customer Relationship Management CRM systems used to support customer related sales activities Database Management System software for creating maintaining and manipulating data Distributed Computing computing systems in different locations communicate to complete a task Client software program that makes request Server program that fulfills request Application Server software that houses and serves business logic for use Web Services communication between two devices over the Internet Total Cost of Ownership full cost of owning a product direct cost price indirect cost training support maintenance Why do technology projects fail Unclear goals poor leadership bad resource estimates poor management BUSINESS PROCESS ANALYSIS Business Process Improvement help organization improve its processes enhance efficiency streamline outdated practices MMA 1 Measure what matters to customers 2 Monitor performance of key business processes 3 Assign accountability for process improvement Business process transfers set of inputs into set of outputs Customer Facing Process results in product service received by customer Business Facing Process invisible to external

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