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Advertising Final Study Guide Honey flavor category http www nytimes com 2013 10 16 business media marketers wax enthusiastic over bees and honey html ref media r 0 Growing interest in quality artisanal ingredients Honey associated with being healthy o Rise in tv culture and healthy eating o Foodie culture locally produced Shown in chapstick burts bees alcohol cars and cereals Fast food restaurants healthier options in fast food Frozen yogurt as opposed to ice cream Posting pictures of your food o Marketers taking advantage of foodie trend SWOT opportunity Honey Nut Cheerios Cereal Nelly song hiphop culture Use of hashtags with social media o Mascot character has twitter facebook Rewrite lyrics to remix Bringing mascot to life as a character Contemporary message for cereal brand Carve the Turkey http www nytimes com 2013 10 21 business media carve the turkey and pass the latkes as holidays converge html r 0 Positive name for Kosher foods Opportunity for Thanksgiving and Hannukka crossover o Capitalizing once in a lifetime event Specialized brand might not be frequently used o Narrow niche Opportunity larger audience by adding thanksgiving holiday o More outreach because it is a national event o New products because it is a bigger stage Cultural trends to take advantage of o Social media ecards and humor o More people using Kosher products foodie trend o Using bloggers credibility of testimonials from influencers L Or al subway machines http www nytimes com 2013 10 30 business media stand clear of closing doors protect your manicure html ref media r 0 Experiential marketing consumer can tangibly interact with a brand o Growing type of marketing Location mezzanine level of 42nd and Bryant park o A lot of holiday traffic there Tourists Ice skating Objective for L Or al o Give brand a more tangible form beyond retail shelves o Innovate experiment take risks o Brand halo effect o Fusion between retail and e tail o Statistics from the user How many people stopped How many people bought Tangibles wide range of shades products can customize to your needs o Brand is customizing to a consumer o Adapting to women s busy schedule o Mirror honor you no models billboard Because I m worth it Negative halo effect o Cutting off male market o Setting is not a place people stop often o Setting is not luxurious takes class away Movember Mo Bros http www nytimes com 2013 11 04 business media Brands Align With the Mustachioed Month of Movember html ref media r 0 Way to get men involved into thinking about Men s health Awareness o Brought in population of guys o Made a statement to people in their world o Minimal requirement just don t shave Compassion fatigue stop caring about another crisis issue o Saturated with that message Trends o Movember o More men keep facial hair 60 o Guys are more involved with their facial hair than head hair How to attract guys towards their product o Just for men linking with a good cause o Capitalizing on grooming products Men care about their gray hairs Customize for facial hair market o Lighter approach to serious cause Humor for Sex www nytimes com 2013 11 11 business media using humor to talk about birth control html r 0 PSA series of ads and online videos o Engage teenagers and encourage them to talk about sex and birth control o Use humor to talk about the issue o Targeted African American women age 18 29 Campaign helps prevents unplanned and unwanted pregnancies Target Consumers o Using humor as a vehicle o Target age group does not want to be lectured by parental role o Make message resonate heard humor o 7 10 pregnancies in that age group are unplanned 73 for African Americans What is campaign trying to do o Emotional empathy for pregnancies o Video testimonials branded content Target group is not aware of other contraceptives Pet Cameras http www nytimes com 2013 11 11 business media digital ad initiative gives pet owners moments to remember html ref media r 1 Branded content advertising Nature s recipe put together website o Have pet collar cameras to get vision of pet Pet parent trend pet phenomenon to treat them as children companions o Using influential pet parents o Other pet owners will listen Social media type website for pets o Pictures status Monitoring phenomenon o Tracking steps Nike Fuel o Cameras track and document pet lives Nature s recipe focusing on pet s o Taking advantage of crowd sourcing the audience can get involved with the website and post their own material without agency intervention o Demonstrates their understanding of pet s and owner s care over them Bacardi http www nytimes com 2013 11 18 business media bacardi focuses on resilience rather than rum html ref media r 1 Focusing on history of Bacardi rather than product features o Survived earthquake rebellion etc o History unlike other brands Brand run resilient brand overcome adversity must be good Growing trend to advertise away from product features o Branded content rather than product features Connecting to the target on a different level o More emotional o Family connection with history o Brand must be good enough to rebuild Lived through challenges Targeting new millennial age o Face high unemployment o Message to not give up keep fighting Kennedy Anniversary http www nytimes com 2013 11 20 business media ahead of anniversary brands promote all things kennedy html ref media r 0 National Geographic campaign for Kennedy anniversary Guerilla marketing nontraditional o Kennedy newsstands handing out old cigarettes and candy Benefits as a brand in the clutter o Brought them into the conversation Target audience Media has changed in past 50 years o Print radio television o 60 year olds still watching television who remember the incident Mob City Twitter Feed http www nytimes com 2013 12 02 business media mob city uses twitter to build suspense for a premiere html r 0 New twitter card that has everything embedded o Using new technology from twitter to involve people New show from creator of Walking Dead o Attract Walking Dead fans to new show Twitter advantage added value of learning back story of show Interest in those time periods show is set in 40s o Have pop up guerilla marketing Acknowledging the trend of binge watching o Consolidating the episode showing what happens next in advance CHAPTER 8 CREATIVITY AND MEDIA Science and Art Effective advertising is both an art in its creativity and a science in its strategy The logic behind the message Creative Strategy Creative Brief the

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